chapter 15

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Five hours

Five fuckin hours

Five fuckin hours I've been serving my brother's and his mates.

Five fuckin hours I've been breathing the toxic air.

The air full of alcohol and joints and weed.

And believe me if I knew the name of the things that they are smoking, I would name them.

I've been a prisoner for five hours.

In those five hours I've been beaten, smacked, kicked, punched and some I don't want to mention.

"C-c-can I go to my room now"I whimper

"NO" Max yelled "I want you right here" he said motioning to his lap.

I looked at Harry hoping that he'll refuse but he said nothing.

I slowly walked to him. As I got closer he pulled me on his lap and as he chuckled I could smell the toxic in his breath.

"How about a one night stand"he chuckled

I shock my head no

"I still have to live with her"Harry said taking a sip of his beer.

"C'mon I'll use protection"he stroke my cheek.

"Neh we all no you don't and besides she's the loudest screamer, she'd probably wake up the whole neighbourhood "Harry smirked.

It's true. I am the loudest screamer.

"And besides she's scared of you" Harry slured

"You aren't scared of me babe"Max growled and I quickly shook my head. "Good"

"Get me a beer please" Ethan said.

So far he is the nicest in the group. He kept giving me small smiles and sympathetic looks and kept mouthing sorry at me.
I think-

"You heard the bloody man, he wants another beer"my thoughts were disturbed by Max whispering in my ear.

I got up and got a smack on my arse by Max. If I had the gutts I would smack his face but I'm only fourteen.

I walked in the kitchen and took the last beer in the fridge and walked back.

"I-it's the last one"I said to Harry.

"That means that you guy have got to leave"Harry announced.

I was doing my happy dance in the inside.

'They are leaving
They are leaving
They are leaving
They are leav-'

My happy song was interrupted

"Mia can you go get me my phone, it's in the charger"Harry asked. I nodded in return.

I ran up stairs and got his phone and ran back down.

"C'mon guys get out of my danm house"Harry said and everyone groaned and got up.

They're leaving
They're leaving.

Once the door slammed, I headed upstairs into my room.

I clean myself off because i really smell like weed. Like really. It was like I was smoking it.

As I was about to get in bed, I heard the downstairs door open and close.

It's probably Harry.

As I looked up at the door expecting Harry to barge in.

Except Harry it was my nightmare


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