chapter 7

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Dinner is awkward to the limit. There is only eye contact and it feels like there is tension in the house but there is none.

"So... what do you think of the new house guys?" Liam finally broke the tension. "Its really pretty." I smiled and everyone agreed with me.

It was quiet like really quiet.

"So.. Mia.... we a going to have to wake up early tomorrow." Liam said "why?" "Because.... school love, you can't just stay and do nothing all day" "but-"I whined "there is no but Mia stop arguing or talking back" Harry said annoyed.

"Since when were you invited in the conversation" I mumble "What did you say?" Harry asked "nothing I was just humming... Liam I'm done can I please be excused I'm kinda tired" I fake yawn. "So early" Liam asked "Yeah we have a big day tomorrow don't we?" I said and Liam excused me from the table.

I quickly put my plate in the sink and run upstairs in to my room and drifted off to sleep.


"Mia wake up we're leaving at ten thirty "Liam shook me. "What time is it?" I groan.


"You should have told me earlier " I groaned.

"I did but you refussed" he chuckled

"okay whatever" he went out of my room.

I got up touching the cold wooden floor that made me shiver. I got in the bathroom and took a shower and got dressed in a black jeans , white and black convers. I just brushed my hair and went to Zayn room.

"Are you up?"I peeked in.

"I am now" he sat up on his bed. I climbed on the bed giving him the komb.

"What must I do with it?" he asked confused

"Can you please braid me two braids going down please " I asked.

"Sure" he said pulling me closer to him, but not to close.

Once Zayn was done braiding my hair I thanked him and now I'm on my way to the kitchen. "We're late it's twenty-five to eleven, here eat on the way"Liam said dragging me into the car.


All schools were full and I was so happy and we only have one school left which is Royal Oxford High School (a/n-I made it up).

Liam parked the car and we went into the office. "Good afternoon ma'am we have a meeting with Mr Smith" Liam said to the Secretary "okay please go straight into that door"the Secretary said.

We walked in the room that we were escorted too.

"You must be Mr Payne" Mr Smith said shaking liam's hand "yes I am" liam smiled. "Take a seat"Mr Smith said motioning to the two empty seats in frount of his big desk.

"This here is Mia Styles and we just moved in Oxford and she needs a school to go to. Do you think that there is room for her" liam said. You can see the desperation in his eyes. "Well we do have space. How old is she"Mr Smith asked "fifteen this year"Liam said. "Yeah we got room in Mrs Anderson's class"
After that I kinda zoned out looking at the pictures on the wall.

"Ms Styles can you please go to the Secretary i just sent your information to her and she'll give you what you need for school" Mr Smith said and I walked out making sure that there is a big smile on my face.
I hope he doesn't notice how fake it is

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