Chapter 2

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"Wake up, sweetie!" My mom shook me a little.

"Just five more minutes," I whined.

Mom then scolds me to get up. "I already gave you five minutes, now get up!"

"OK, OK! I'm up!"I replied, shifting slightly.

I groaned as I got up out of bed and stretching my arms and legs. I walked in the bathroom with heavy eyes and brushed my teeth before hopping in the shower.

When I was done, I got dressed in a black button up jeans, a white t-shirt that says 'I don't care' and a pair of black converses. After checking my outfit with a quick scan-over, I left the room without hesitation.

I walked in the kitchen and saw my dad reading a Newspaper, sipping on coffee and mom making breakfast.

"Mom, I'll pass... I mean I'm almost late for school, so I'll skip breakfast and eat an apple instead."I smiled widely, while grabbing an apple.

After polishing it carefully with my T-shirt. I then grabbed my bag walking out the room.

"Bye mom, bye dad!" I called and closed the door quickly before my dad offers to take me to school.

'Let's get out,
Let's get out.
'cause these dead bit towns only here just to keep us down.
While I was...'

I was listening to 5SOS until I realized I could take my skateboard to school, so that I would arrive early.

I walked back home and ran upstairs, hoping not to bother my mom.

I found my skateboard, covered in my favorite color.

Alrighty, I made my way downstairs, hoping not to be caught by my parents.

When I reached almost the last step, I heard a loud CLANG. I jumped with fright, and when about to run back up to my room to call for dad when I froze and heard...


"Tell me where she is?!" I yelled at my mom, who was tied up in a chair at the kitchen table. Being nervous about dad wasn't a problem, considering he's gone to his work early today.

She didn't want to tell me where my little sister is, the sister that they have been hiding her way from me.

"No, I don't trust you enough!" She cried out stubbornly, her face striped with fear.

"WHY?' I yelled, furious at her.

"Because you have changed Harry! You were my little sweet boy and you have chosen to walk away from that and become bad!"She squirmed in the chair, her head bent down slightly as she looked at the ropes around her body.

As she was saying these words, it knocked sense out of me and she was right.

I did change.

And I hate when people where right and I was wrong. It bothered me to know that they are somewhat better than me.

I got angry, so angry all I could see was red.

I grabbed anything that was around, which happens to be a knife and stabbed her right in the heart again and again taking out my anger on her lifeless body.


"NO!" I screamed as I turned around to run back down the stairs after I heard gurgles.

I saw my mom laying in the chair, her head bent to the side slightly and her chest covered in blood. I stood there and started to cry.

"No! Mommy, you can't leave me! Come back!" I cried, rubbing her face."Come back, please!"

"You!" I shouted and pointed a small finger to the attacker, "You killed my - our mum!"

His eyes where wide and full of shock but then turned into a straight face.

"You're coming with me!" He said coming close to me.

I backed up slowly, before getting up and running out of the unlocked door.

"GET HER!" He yelled, his face twisted in anger.

Almost immediately, two people came out of the car that was parked in and ran after me.

I turned abruptly and started racing down the street. I ran as fast as my feet could take me!

I heard a car behind me. Looking back, I saw another two guys that was in the same car race towards me.

My legs couldn't run any longer, my muscles straining, and I started to slow down.

The car was right next to me and the door opened. Two long arms grabbed me, and I was pulled in like I was nothing.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I tried to scream, but it came out hoarse from my running. I sat down, trying to catch my breath and energy so I could run again - when they least expect it.

"Its... complicated" Harry quietly said and with that, I blacked out.

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