Chapter 18

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Having an after party house to clean up in the morning isn't the most appealing thing to me . But it still has to be done . Too many cups were splattered around  and the smell was not pleasing at all .

I should have fallen asleep right after the last guests left cause when I looked in the mirror , I looked like a panda . I got some face cleansing soap and with hurried moves I tried looking decent . Let's just say I failed miserably . But I had more important things to worry about .

After around five hours of dedicated cleaning the house was just like it was before . You wouldn't have guessed there was a wild teenage party last night happening . I , for once , felt a little proud of myself. 

Not long after,  I realised that I felt very tired , so I decided I should take a nap . Only problem was that this nap ended up being 7 hours long meaning I just ruined my sleep schedule.

Well it was well awaited I wouldn't be able to sleep at night ,but this gave me some time to think . Tomorrow at school my party would definitely be the most popular gossiping subject and I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not . Let's just hope for the best .

Then I thought about Preston . The boy who had my heart . My mind was traveling from his sweetest actions to how I imagine us being together .

Since I was bored I went on my computer to play some video games but before that I decided that I should check on my Skype . When I logged on I saw that Preston was online . Weird . Well I guess not cause he sleeps really late . Yes I stalk his twitter and stuff . Well ,I now had the chance so why not message him?

Y- Heeeyy

P- Heyy

Y- What's up ?

P- Not much ... Why are you up so late? Don't you have school tmr?

Y- Can't sleep .

P- Why ?

Y- I had a nap and now I can't sleep.
Y- Don't judge me

P- Ok.
P- I really liked the party yesterday

Y- Thank you .

P- welcomw
P- welcome**
P- ffs
P- I was about to go film a video .
P- Wanna join ?

Well of course I wanted to join . I mean . Not only I wanted to . I was too happy. Just . What do I say next ? I don't want to come off as desperate . But not as as snob either . Well . The only thing I could say was a simple yes .

Y- Yes

P- I'm calling .

Y- ok

As soon as I picked up the call , I remembered that I just woke up and I probably look like shit . Great . Now I have to hide my face from the camera the whole time . He will think I'm not cute and oh no .

P- So ... do you wanna play money wars or something ?

Y- Yeah ,sure .

P- Great let me set this up .

Y- Sure

Afer a while we both had everything set up and ready to record . We agreed to start with the count of three. He was going to be counting. 

P- You ready ?

Y- Yes I'm ready

P- 3
    I really like you y/n

Wait WHAT ? Am I imagining things? My mouth was wide open in the camera and I probably looked like a retard .

P- What is going on guys it's Preston here and I am here today with y/n

P- y/n ?

I had to talk but I was still in shock .

Y- H-hi

P- Everything alright ?

Y- Y-yeh sure

The recording went pretty well except for the fact I wasn't talking that much. I really need explanations now .


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