Chapter 4

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I woke up with the sound of my alarm .  Monday morning.  I hate those so much . Wait . Why is Rob next to me and why am I on the couch ? And then last night came in my mind .  I guess crying is tiring after all . Thank god my parents weren't here today . I had to wake up Rob so I went next to him and whispered "wake up you sleepy head" He was refusing to wake up so I had to take some measures . So I pulled the blanket of him . Thank god he then woke up cause I would have to throw water on his face . 

R- It's like 7:00 am why did you wake me up so early?  

Y- Well some of us are not adults so we have school to attend . 

R- Oh yeaaaaah.  I forgot I wa- Wait why am I here ?

Y- You came here last night remember?  And then you know ... I don't want to talk about it . 

R- Did we - 

I cut him of 

Y- No we didn't geez ! 

R- Oh now I remember.  Sorry it's just me in the mornings taking some time to wake up. Are you feeling any better today ? 

Y- Yes. Thank you . But not to sound mean or something I really need to get ready for school so ... I'll be upstairs . You can stay here and do whatever you want . There's coffe in the cabinets if you want .

R- Do you want me to make breakfast ? 

Y- It's fine you don't have to .

R- Okay go get ready I'm giving you a ride to your school 

Y- Thank you . For everything. 

And with that I went upstairs.  I took a shower and I put on some clothes . I put on a black pair of jeans and a gray pulover.  I paired it with black ankle boots and I put on some natural makeup just because . By the time I got out of my room I could smell that something was being cooked . I went downstairs to see that Rob was making pancakes.  

R- Surprise! 

Y- You really didn't have to . Thank you . 

He was so nice . He actually cared and he showed it . That's something that never has happened to me . And he just did anything that could be done to make me cheer up . 

R- Oh I wanted to . Now sit down and eat . You don't want to be late for school . 

Y- Okay dad . 

R- Don't call me dad , daughter . 

While I was eating the fact that I haven't told him what happened that made me sad crossed my mind . But he still comforted me in any way possible . I mean we know each other for two days . Well we knew each other from our youtube channels but still . 

We got in the car . The music was playing . We didn't talk too much through the ride . He just asked me how to get to my school . We got there and I dot of the car . 

R- Anything you need just call me okay ?

Y- I will. Thanks for everything again . 

R- It's fine as long as you are happy . 

And with that the bell rung . The hours seemed like decades and I was bored to death . I just wanted to go home and eat and record . 

So I did . I caught the bus and when I got home I was surprised to see that Lily was there . But why though?  I mean yeah I left her alone and stuff but I really didn't want drama now . Okay . I'll have to play it cool .

Y- Heeey Lily I didn't know you were coming 

L- Sorry for not telling you but I really need to know what happened. So could you please ? 

No I can't tell her that's the thing . I like Preston and I have been liking him for a long time . And I haven't told her . Even hough she is my best friend I haven't . It just hurt so much but still I didn't want to sound selfish.  

Y- Ermmm... nothing? 

L- C'Mon I know that something bothered you . You can't hide it from me . 

Y- No really it's nothing just... I was ... It was... Oh I'm fine .

L- No you're not and you are telling me the reason right now. 

I didn't want to . The words just came out of me without control. 

Y- Well... I've liked Preston for a long time even though he doesn't know who I am and don't ask how I know him I just do okay ? And I am just jealous and such a bad friend . But you can do whatever you want with him . 

Okay I lied . He does know who I am and I care of what she does with him. I felt like such a bitch but oh well . Shit happens . 

L- Why didn't you tell me all of this ? 

Y- Because you would hate me . 

Oh no . It was coming.  I was almost crying . Not now . Not now. I can't seem weak .

L- I can't do anything though . Especially right now . And ... never mind ... I am going home . And no I'm not mad at you . 

Y- What did you want to say ? 

L- Nothing . Forget it . 

Y- You are not leaving until you tell me . 

L- He asked me to be his girlfriend. 

Y- And what did you say ? 

L- I'm thinking about it . 

Y-Oh I see . I just told you all of this and now you're telling me you're thinking about it ? FOR REAL ? Shit . Just leave . NOW .

L- For real ? Are you just going to kick me out of the house?  Thanks bestie . 


L- Okay but if you need something I won't be there . I'll be making out with my new boyfriend okay ? 

Y- You're such a little bitch . 

And with that I slammed the door . I went straight to my room and started crying out loud.  Not only I lost my best friend because of my selfish attitude , now the one I want has a girlfriend . I searched my desk to find some scissors.   

After that I went into crazy psychopath mode and started cutting myself . My own selfish sad alone self . 

After a while I snapped out of it and I was constantly asking myself "what have I done? " I took care of the cuts . It was the first time I did it so they weren't very deep . Now that made me stronger . I had to do something to get back on track . 

I couldn't . Without thinking I called Rob . 

Y- Can you please come over ? Please ? 

R- Sure . Be right there . 





A/n I know there has not been a lot of Preston in the book just yet but I'm taking things slowly. Thank you everyone for reading and voting.  If you want to suggest anything tell me in the comments and remember that nobody is as bad as cactus Jones 

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