Chapter 14

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Y- Hey

R - Hey

Y- Look I am really sorry for everything I shouldn't have brought the drinks up , I shouldn't have brought you into this and I feel really bad for whatever I've caused you . I don't know what got into me and I am ashamed of not being able to restrain it . I am sorry .

Rob was just watching and I'm pretty positive he didn't hear a word I said because he was just looking at me with a lost face . If only I could put into words every single apology I want to make .

R- Okay calm down. You don't have to be sorry for anything . I mean we both did our part . If someone should be sorry , this person would be me .

Y- Don't you dare put the blame on you .

R- Look y/n . I am feeling the same way as you're feeling right now . I totally get you . It's just too much . And I've never been in this position again . But it happened and we need to deal with it. No matter what .

Oh no . Not again . I don't want more tears . I thought I've ran out of those . Apparently not .

Y- But I don't want to lose you .

And that's when I broke . The tension was just too much. I started sobbing and after some seconds , my sobs turned into me crying more that ever.
Most people would most likely have walked away at this moment but Rob did not . Instead he came near me and started comforting me . But nothing could stop me from crying.

A moment later I thought about how Rob would feel at the moment. OMG why am I so selfish? I was just sitting here crying , while he was trying to make me feel better but I didn't think about how would Rob feel . God I'm so awful .

R- No , you're not .

Y- I said that out loud, didn't I ?

R- Yes you did but it isn't true . Don't you dare think like that .

Y- But ... Look at me . I am sitting here, after all that happened and I haven't even given you the chance to speak . All I do is crying and I haven't even asked how you feel about this . That's why I am indeed awful .

R- Stop saying that. You are not awful. You are one of the best girls I've met so freaking stop it . And right now it seems to me that you have a bigger problem than me .

Y- What do you mean ? I'm pretty sure both of us contributed to this action .

R- That's not what I meant y/n . Do I have to explain what I mean ?

Well ... I mean ... what was he talking about . OH YEAH . It was MY first time okay okay forgot that.

Y- No okay I got what you are talking about no need to explain .

R- Now you see why we're in the right placement ?

Y- Kind of but still . It's like I didn't ask you a question about yourself .

R- Do you really wanna hear me and my feelings?

Y- Yes . Yes please .

R- Well . I never really expected anything like this to happen. I mean you're a great girl and all but I didn't want you to have to deal with this . It was your first time and most girls would want it to be the perfect scene for that occasion. I don't want to make you feel any worse but I know it's the truth . And I couldn't give you that. And I'm sorry .

That moment I just couldn't think about anything . It was like I was lost in a dark hole not having any source of light . My emotions were mixed up and nothing made sense . And the worst part... I felt the urge to kiss him.
And that's what I did . Once again . Not having any hesitation I just kissed him . Sober this time . Fully aware of my actions. It was a soft kiss. Not like the other ones. I stopped the kiss and I was immediately pulled into a hug. I really should stop acting without thinking .

I felt my eyes heavy. Rob must have noticed. He picked me up and took me upstairs to my room . He then placed me on the bed ,under the sheets . The thing is that I don't know why I was feeling sleepy . It's been like an hour since I woke up . He then put the sheets on top of me and started making his way to my door .

Y- Can you stay ?
I said with my tired voice . Once again. I didn't think about that .

R- Do you want me to ?

Y- Yes ,please .

He made his way back near me . I pulled the covers so he could get under them with me . He layed there and put his arm around me . Slowly I started to fall asleep after all that happened in this short period of time. I really don't know how to handle situations .

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