Chapter 9

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I woke up but in a long time it wasn't my alarm that woke me up . Instead my mom has come to my room and there she is now standing on the edge of my bed . I had to get up which is pretty bad but I have to admit that I miss this feeling 

M- Wake up sweetheart 

My answer was actually groans . You know ... its mooooorning... 

M- C'Mon ... get up ... I'll go make you breakfast . 

I got convinced. It's the food  you know . 

Y- Okay when I'm done I'm coming downstairs.  

With that she left my room . I got up and did my routine . I was in a mood for a dress this morning so I chose a nice alpha shaped gray dress . I paired it with vans to make it look more daily like so I didn't look too dressed up in school . I put my makeup on , brushed my hair and went straight down to see fresh orange juice and a bowl of yoghurt with honey and fruits . 

Y- Thank you mom -I said stuffing my mouth with a spoon full of all the things -

M- Oh it's fine . Hurry up , your dad is taking you to school . 

Y- Okay okay . 

I finished my breakfast and my dad gave me a ride to school . I went out of the door and started heading to my locker  . Nothing special . This was school after all . 1st period was math . I had to walk all the way to the complete other side of my school but oh well . 

After some hours it was lunch time . I went in the cafeteria and Helen signaled me to come sit with her . So I did .  She was sitting with some people I've never talked to before . Although I'm not shy I didn't know a lot of people in school which was kind of weird but I just went with it . 

H- Heey y/n!! 

Y- Hey Helen 

H- So this is Tyler , Gabe and Zoe . Guys this is y/n. 

I took a  quick glance at them . Zoe looked like your typical normal cute girl .  She had long brown hair and gray eyes with a hint of blue . She was wearing a nice blue shirt inside a high waisted darker blue skirt with some silver accessories . 

Gabe was wearing a black t-shirt , jeans and a red "college" jacket . I think he was on our school football team but I'm not sure . His eyes were piercing blue and his hair colour was arguable.  I'm not sure whether it was black or dark brown. 

Tyler's clothing didn't differ that much from Gabe's but instead of a black t-shirt he was wearing a white one and his jeans were a lighter shade of blue . Their jackets though we're the exact same . So I assume they are both in our school team . He had dirty blonde hair and brown eyes . 

I sat on the table and soon we were having a conversation.  They all seemed to be nice and I made a good first impression on them . I could see myself becoming good friends with them in the short future.  The bell rung and we all parted ways . 

After school was over I went home on foot because walking helps me clear my head . I put music on my headphones loud enough to cover all the noise around me . This day has actually gone well up to here . When I arrived home I felt calm and peaceful. 

Then homework came in . Ugh. I hate it . I mean why do we have to go to school and then get extra things to do for after we come back from this place . But I guess I have to do it because it's you know . "Important" . By the time I finished dinner was ready so I went downstairs to the kitchen to eat . Food is love . 

Y- What are we eating?  

M- Pizza . 


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