Chapter 35

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Russell stood on the front doorstep of his house, or what used to be his house. Sal's parents had taken no issue with Russell staying temporarily, and welcomed him with open arms. And Russell was allowed to dress however he wanted. Decked out in goth attire, eyeliner included, Russell held his trembling pointer finger over the doorbell, but didn't press it.

"Just do it," Sal said.

"I can't."

"All you have to do is ask for your stuff. That's it."


Sal leaned in front of him, and pressed the doorbell.

Russell's breath caught. "What'd you do that for?"

"My feet hurt."

Footsteps approached from the inside, and the door opened. "You've returned," Elizabeth said calmly. "I knew you would."

"I haven't returned," Russell said in an equally calm voice. "I'm here to pick up my stuff."

Elizabeth sneered down at Sal. "Why did you bring him?"

"I needed the help."

Elizabeth opened the door wider. "Watch him. And if something goes missing..."

Russell shouldered her aside and walked towards his bedroom for the last time. Sal's arm linked with his comforted him. A familiar ache settled in his chest. Russell longed to cuddle him, but there were more pressing matters at hand.

Armed with boxes and garbage bags, Russell scrounged his entire bedroom for his belongings. Sal focused on boxing up all his books.

After clearing out all his drawers, Russell moved on to tackle his closet. He shoved his shirts in a bag, and went through what was left. Just his weights, and a couple other boxes. He set the weights near his bags of clothes, and pulled out one of the boxes wedged deep within.

Sal sat down next to him. "What's that?"

"Things my parents would die if they knew I had." Russell opened the box, revealing tarot cars, a couple books on spell-casting, and a Ouija Board, among other small items. "I went through this phase in middle school. Right after I was done with religion."

Something shiny caught Sal's eye, and he reached into the box, pulling out a dark-purple crystal. "Amethyst," he said breathlessly.

"It's supposed to have healing powers or something of the sort." Russell watched Sal examine it closely. "You can have it."

Grinning, Sal wrapped his arms around him. "Thanks!"

"I've got a bunch of other gemstones you can have- when we get back to your house," Russell said firmly, pulling the box away from Sal before he could make a mess. He slid it over to his pile of boxes and bags.

There was one last thing in his closet; a small box. "More books?" Sal asked.


Sal picked up one of the books, and read the title aloud. "Left Behind."

"And they're getting left behind." Russell stood up, tugging at Sal's arm. "Let's load up the car."

Sal remained seated, his jaw slack. "You're leaving behind books?"

"They're Christian books. My parents got me those as a middle school graduation present. I've never even read them."

"There's books you've never read? Book worm poser." Sal thumbed through the book, and something dropped out of it. Frowning, he picked it up. "A graduation card?"

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