Chapter 32

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Once 12 hit, Russell clocked out for lunch and rushed over to find Sal's car. Usually, Sal would be waiting in it, but today he stood outside, his body leaned against it in what looked like a forced, seductive pose. Russell held back a laugh. It was cute. Then, he noticed Sal's shirt wasn't buttoned all the way up. Damn that's hot.

"Hello, my beautiful sexy sex," Sal said as Russell approached him.

Russell frowned. "Sexy sex?"

Sal ran his hand down Russell's back, then hesitated.

"What's wrong?" Russell asked.

"Nothing." Sal turned his head away, and spanked Russell's butt.

Wide-eyed, Russell glanced at his butt, then at Sal, then at his butt again. "What the-"

"Hop in, stud muffin."

"Did you just-" Russell began, but Sal was already inside the car. The second Russell climbed in, Sal leaned over and kissed his lips, preventing him from asking further questions.

"Why don't we take this somewhere private?" Sal whispered in his ear, and started the car. "The back parking lot should be empty."

And it was. Sal parked as far away from civilization as possible, Russell too baffled to speak.

Sal turned off the ignition and gazed at Russell, giving him a flirty half-smile. Or, what seemed like a poor attempt at a flirty half-smile. Instead, it looked like he was in extreme pain. "You are one sexy mofo."

"Thank you?" Russell felt more confused than ever before. He was still trying to process what Sal did earlier. Did he actually spank-

"Let's take this to the backseat." Sal winked and climbed into the back, nearly tripping over the parking brake.

Russell stared. Not knowing what else to do, he joined Sal, taking care not to trip.

Before he could even sit, Sal flipped onto his back, and grabbed Russell by the polo shirt, yanking him close. "It's a shame your shirt doesn't button all the way down." He fingered the first button and hesitated before undoing it.

Russell glanced down. "What are you doing?"

"Unbuttoning your shirt," Sal said simply, undoing the second.


"To make you feel desirable."

"What!" Russell jerked upright. "What in God's name-"

"I'm sorry I've been making you feel ugly." Sal cupped Russell's chin in his hand, rubbing his thumb over his jawline. "You're not ugly at all. I may be ace, but even I can tell that you are the sexiest man to have ever walked the planet."


"And if I wasn't sex-repulsed, I would totally fuck your brains out." Sal ran his hand to the back of Russell's head, pulling him into another kiss.

The kiss filled his body with warmth, and Russell eagerly returned it. Sal slid his hand up his shirt, running his fingers down the small of his back. It was something he'd rarely do, and Russell's body quivered at the touch. He slipped his hands under Sal's shirt, rubbing them over his smooth chest. That sort of act never did much for Sal, but Russell loved feeling his bare skin. So much that he moaned between kisses.

Until a sharp pain shot through his lower lip.

"OW!" Russell tore himself away, rubbing at the sore spot. "What the hell did you do?"

Sal sat up, attempting another flirty half-smile. "Bit your lip. Did you like it?"

"No!" Russell took his fingers away from his throbbing lip to check for blood. Miraculously there wasn't any. "That hurt."

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