Chapter 14

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It had been awhile since Sal had last seen Stewart, and he found himself missing him, in addition to feeling like that asshole friend who ditches everyone for their new lover. After English class, Sal asked if they could eat with Stewart that day. Russell agreed and they walked to the cafeteria together.

As soon as Sal spotted Stewart, he rushed over to his table. "Hey, sorry I haven't been eating-" Sal fell silent when he saw who sat in his old spot.

"Hey Russell," Terry said. "I see you've been spending a lot of time with Sal lately."

"Yeah, well..." Russell rubbed the back of his head.

Terry. All this time, Terry had been sitting in his old spot, talking to his old friend. Sal gripped the back of the empty chair next to Stewart. "You replaced me with Terry?"

"Well, gee Sal, you stopped eating with me. And then Terry started sitting here. So I've been eating with them now.

Sal slumped into the chair. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I'm used to it."

A wave of guilt washed over Sal, which changed to jealousy when Russell took a seat next to Terry, who eyed him. "Cool necklace," Terry said. "Are you finally rebelling against your parents?"

"A little. Maybe." Russell glanced down at the table. "Sal convinced me to get it."

Terry watched him pull his sandwich out of his lunch bag. "You can do a lot better than him, you know."

Russell pulled his jelly sandwich out of his lunch bag. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Nor do I." Sal flicked his hair back, and picked up Stewart's half-eaten apple. "If you are implying that Russell and I are an item, I assure you that we are most certainly not!" He bit into the apple for dramatic effect, expecting a loud crunch, but it was all mush. No wonder Stewart hadn't finished it.

"Definitely an item," Terry said under their breath.

"No we aren't!"

"We're really not," Russell butted in.

Terry watched him chew his thumbnail through narrowed eyes. "You're lying."

Russell stopped chewing his thumbnail, and ran his fingers through his hair. "What makes you think-"

"You always chew your thumbnail when you lie. And run your fingers through your hair when you get caught in one."

"And how do you know all this?" Sal asked.

"Because I've known Russell longer than you have." Terry arched an eyebrow. "I know him a lot better."

"You know nothing." Sal took another bite of Stewart's apple.

"No, they know me pretty well," Russell said quietly.

"They do not." Sal pounded the table with the apple, making a sticky mess. "You will never love him like I do!"

Russell covered his face with his hand. Terry grinned. "So you admit it!"

"Does anyone want the rest of my chimichanga?" Stewart asked.

"Please don't tell anyone," Russell said to Terry, hands clasped against his chest.

"I won't," Terry said. "On one condition."

Sal swallowed. "What's the condition?"

"I'll give you this chimichanga if you don't tell anyone about Sal's crush," Stewart said, waving it.

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