Chapter 21

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Russell pulled away. Sal flinched. How could they have forgotten to check for people beforehand?

"I was only joking." Brad gawked at Sal and Russell, still wrapped in each other's arms. "You two really are doing each other!" He laughed. Two boys at his side laughed along with him.

Sal's face, never failing to turn red, turned red. This made them laugh harder.

"Ignore them," Russell whispered to Sal.

"That never works," Sal whispered back.

One of Brad's friends pointed at Sal. "I thought he was asexual."

"He must've made that up," Brad said. "All to hide his secret fling with Russell."

Russell and Sal ignored them and got to their feet to leave. As the two walked away, Brad's other friend snuck up from behind and shoved Sal into Russell, nearly knocking both of them over.

Sal caught his balance. "What is this? Middle school?"

"Real funny guys," Russell said. "Come on, Sal."

"Yeah, go on faggots." Brad sneered at them.

Faggot. A ball of fire swarmed through the dark depths of Sal's heart. Metaphorical flames consumed his entire being, filling every inch of him with rage. He clenched his fists in preparation to release his ever-growing wrath. Teeth bared, he whipped around. "What did you call me?"

"A faggot, faggot."

"CALL ME THAT AGAIN!" Sal shouted, arm muscles straining. He raised his fists up, preparing to strike.

"What? You're gonna beat me up? You think your skinny, faggot ass can-"

Brad didn't get a chance to finish his sentence. Sal let out a roar and tackled him, knocking him down to the ground.

"Stop!" Russell shouted. "You'll get in trouble!"

Sal ignored him and punched every inch of Brad. Brad struggled under him, but Sal kept firm grip on his shirt. Brad's friends stared open-mouthed, but did nothing.

"DON'T! YOU! EVER! CALL! ME! THAT!" Sal shouted between punches. "I swear I'll kill-"

"WHAT ON EARTH!" A school administrator came running to the scene, and tugged at the back of Sal's shirt, pulling him off. "Stop it!"

Sal stood up. Brad's nose and mouth were covered in blood. Sal's fists were covered in blood. He looked at the school administrator, taking in her straight blonde hair and glasses. I'm dead.

"Come with me." Ms. Humbolt clutched his arm, yanking him towards herself. "Take Brad to the nurse," she barked at the two friends as she dragged Sal to the Principal's office, Russell following at a safe distance.

"What were you thinking, beating up that poor, innocent boy?" Ms. Humbolt asked along the way. "You should be ashamed."

"He called me a faggot."

"That's no excuse." Ms. Humbolt rapped the door to the Principal's office. The plaque above her knuckles read "Principal Abby R. Jones."

A dark-skinned, middle-aged woman answered the door, wearing glasses similar to Ms. Humbolt's. "What is it this time?"

"I caught this child violently attacking another student," Ms. Humbolt said, her lips flattening. "He needs to be punished."

"Really?" Principal Jones sounded bored. She looked over at Sal. "Sal, right?" Sal nodded.

"Personally, I think he should be expelled."

"He's not getting expelled. Come in, tell me what happened." Principal Jones noticed Russell standing several feet away. "You too, Russell." Russell followed Sal and Ms. Humbolt inside the office, and the three of them each took a seat in front of the principal's desk.

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