Species Part 7

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It was abundantly clear to me, from my first interactions with the people attending this FRAME event that I never would want to be earnestly associated with these people. 

They were all vapid, egotistical, and completely uninterested in anyone except themselves. 

But, I knew what game to play and I was playing it well. 

Eleanor -yes, that's what she prefers to be called; and do not try to make up a cutesy nick name for her- was laughing hysterically. Like legitimately slapping her knee at a very gauche joke I just told her that I learned from Uncle Steve (where ever he is). 

I even said that it was gauche to try to be all high society with her, she said she "didn't mind at all."

With not even 15 minutes into being here, Aaron was grabbing her second drink from the bar, and I was left to my own defenses; which apparently include ridiculous jokes from my weird uncle.  

"Oh man, what was your name again kid? Paul? I'm sorry, I started pretty early today if you know what I mean."

"It's uh, Phil... actually. No worries though."

Eleanor was the wife of Greg, the CEO of one of the many companies that founded FRAME. Not one of the studios, but he led a CGI house. 

"Sorry about that kid. Oh! Lovely, thank you so much Aaron; great timing!"

"Yeah of course!"

Aaron instructed me that this was a potential acquisition, and when he was around he was planning on leading the conversations. He would let me know when I should jump in or not.

I hated it, but I understood where he was coming from. If I were in his position, I'd want to do the same.

As much as Eleanor went on like she liked us and she was excited to meet us, the only thoughts that were running through her mind were typical of the god only knows how many well-to-do housewives in this area.

When I get home, if Ivelisse did not have all of those dishes done, and cleaned up the mess the Cale and Kallen made, i'll fire her on the spot. I'll simply tell Greg I saw her stealing some jewelry, and casually misplace some. 

She truly was, a nightmare of a person that I would otherwise have nothing to do with. 

Aaron mindlessly trudged on in this pathetic excuse of a conversation.

"So, Eleanor, what are your plans for the rest of the day? How much time will you actually get to spend with Greg?"

She put her drink down as I smiled politely, and  I proceeded to hang on to her every, stupid, word. I was clutching to my vodka and soda with a twist of lemon hoping that maybe, with the next sip it would taste better.

Why did Aaron have to order me this horrible fucking drink? I couldn't even get buzzed on some shit I like? I get that it's all about keeping up appearances and what not, but come on; do I look like a guy who would enjoy this shit? Well, notwithstanding the suit, I normally look like a guy who would order well Tequila and the cheapest beer the house has; but that's not the point.

Eleanor rolled her eyes before she started to ramble on for god only knows how long.

"Well, unfortunately, I won't be seeing my dear Greg for quiet sometime today. You know how these things work of course.  He had a shareholder's lunch, followed by car over to the meeting for some light socializing and drinks beforehand- which might be wrapping up soon come to think of it; then there's the keynote... I think I'll see him then, for a little bit at least... Then it's off to the after parties, and we'll be going to separate ones sadly. Me for pleasure and social with our friends, and him for more networking.  It's truly a bore. Well, it'll be a bore for him. I'm going out with the girls tonight and drinking my weight in wine."

Yeah, you don't fucking say?

Aaron chimed in, with feigned concern.

"It must be hard, but i'd imagine it's worth it in the end. Although, who can really say for sure."

Aaron shifted in his seat; he clearly looked like he was trying to be poignant. He wanted to clearly change the conversation in his favor.

"So... Eleanor, I must confess, I have some selfish reasons for asking this question, but I wanted to check in with you regarding how everything wrapped up during the last issue Greg's company had this past fall?"

She exaggeratedly rolled her eyes and put her hand to her heart, as if she were a delicate lady; and responded despondently. 

"Oh, you mean with those lazy animators who were saying they never got overtime pay?"

"Well. I think that's all water under the bridge and they finally agreed on some terms, but my poor Greg has been losing so much sleep over it."

I was impressed with what I thought was an endearing reaction to that touchy issue. 

Oh good, maybe he had an ethical dilemma and maybe understood all the grievances they had.

"He had hired what he thought was the best legal team, that specializes in disbanding potential union uprisings, and was furious over how poorly they handled that matter. "

Oh. Well there goes that. Stupid me, why would I think something positive were to come out of any of these people, or their ridiculous problems?

"I see. I see."

Aaron was spending this time being overly emphatic and looking concerned about the welfare of their personal life.

He isn't too bad at doing this. I have to give him credit where credit's due.

"Well, Eleanor... pending the status of that, I work for Weissberg & Associates, have you heard of us before? We specialize in public relations, and have had quiet an extensive history of success with our labor specialists. If you have any questions for us, or if you'd like to pass on this information to Greg, please take one of my cards.  And regardless of any kind of a decision, or commitment, just keep in touch with me! I'd love to meet up again with you and Greg and just catch some drinks on more of a downtime for all of us."

Eleanor smiled and nodded.

"Sounds great! I'll definitely pass this on. I think we should be on the run though, look at the time! Can't wait to see what this FRAME thing is up to!"

Yeah, can't fucking wait. 

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