Order part 1

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I left that screening enraged.

Is there anyone here that actually cares about, or has studied film at all?

I turned my phone back on, because unlike some people who were literally tweeting and Instagramming their reactions, I still like to completely get absorbed in a film. It's the ultimate escapist fantasy, but I feel like people forget to let themselves really escape. After my phone loaded for 10 seconds, I saw that I had a text from Sam.

"We all decided to have a late lunch, but I arranged for you to meet up and talk about film with Adam, his insight will really help your appreciation of the festival circuit overall. Head down to The Peaks Great Room Deck and he will meet you there."

Okay, this might be really good for me; this Adam guy might be good to have in my back pocket. If what Sam said was right, then maybe I can be able to really communicate with him about my respect for film and my concerns overall. And who knows what could happen if I play this right?

I looked at the crudely drawn map of the town in relation to the festival, and realized that The Peaks were very close to Werner Herzog Theater.  Some part of me realized that I should be approaching this meeting as an interview, who knew if there were opportunities to be had; but I truly believe everything happens for a reason Who knew exactly where this would lead?

I wandered around as any other tourist would, fiercely clutching the map, while looking up all the time. I knew how dumb I looked, but at the same time, I knew I needed to appreciate how beautiful my surroundings were.  I generally walk around with my head down looking below me at all the concrete-paved, discarded gum and dog poop strewn sidewalks, but maybe if I looked up and out  instead of down and in front I could be a little happier overall? I knew I was desperate, but it didn't matter. I wanted to try.

I finally arrived at the intimidatingly classy resort, wearing my Macy's one day sale button down that I got on clearance and some khaki's. I felt like an idiot, but at least I was an idiot who sort of played the part. I asked a concierge, also named Sam where the great room was, and he lazily pointed behind me to a sign that read:
                                                                               Great Room ->

I attempted to smile politely and walk away, but I made sure that prick knew that I was being facetious.   I looked around in the floor-to-ceiling windows to realize that the Great Room was an understatement. This room was incredible. It had views of the whole town, the festival itself, and the golf course where 90% of the crusty white old attendees (and the Whitlocks, I could safely assume), would eventually play.

I was completely awestruck with my mouth agape and then I heard a thought come from behind me.

I think that's the kid I'm supposed to meet.

I straightened up, and collected myself.

"Hey are you Phil?"

This guy looked strikingly like Zachary Quinto, except taller and more built.

"Yeah, you must be Adam, pleasure to meet you."

I shook his hand, and made sure to give him a firm handshake. I felt completely out of place, but I may as well continue with the confident facade.

"Good to meet you too, I'm seated already over there. What could I get you to drink?"

He motioned to the side of the room right against the windowed walls, or,what exactly do you call them?

"Uh, I'll just go with whatever you're drinking."

"Sounds good. Please take a set over there."

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