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I woke up in the basement still chained to the wall absolutely aching. "L-Liza you there?" I heard shuffling to my left "I'm here lux." She whispered tiredly "how are you feeling?" She asked "I'm okay whatever they have Callie on is helping."

Most of my cuts have healed only the really deep ones were still there. Liza muttered something and a soft ball of light started floating around us. "You look much better." I giggled the drugs obviously affecting me.

"Can we go home now Liza? I really miss Callie and I love her and I don't like it here it smells bad. Let's go home." I slurred. She sighed wrapping her arm around my shoulder laying her head on top of mine. "Lux I'm gonna get us out of here and you are gonna get home to Callie okay?" She whispered softly

I looked up at her and poked her cheek "You are coming with me. You will live at the pack house with us I'm not taking no for an answer. I am alpha hear me roar!" She chuckled and pushed my head to her shoulder "Okay alpha I will come with you. You just need to be patient. I spoke to max and let her know what was happening so don't worry too much."

"Wait how did you talk to max?" She tensed "I um had to possess Callie. It was the only way! She was much easier to posses because she was unconscious." She said nervously

I nudged her "No worries dude. Hey when do you think that old lady will be back?" She slid away from me and cut the light off.

"Shit! She's coming now! Be strong!" She whispered. The door flew open and the light blinded me. I groaned when a fist connected with my nose. I felt the blood pour down my face.
"Cheap shot beastie." I said as I spat blood in her direction.

"Yesterday was the easy day little alpha. Today you are going to answer my questions or you'll be in a whole nother world of pain." The old hag snarled.

"Bring it on bitch! I'm not saying anything!" I growled. Feel much more clear headed. She let out a shrill laugh and started muttering.
Once she was done I felt tingling in my arms. It felt like cat scratches and every time I shifted or moved the cuts felt deeper.

"I wouldn't move if I was you little alpha, if you wanna keep your arms that is." The dark witch giggled and clapped like a giddy child.
"Now why don't you tell me where the last white witch coven is. I know your little whore of a mate told you!"

I growled and spat at the witch
"Even if I knew I wouldn't tell you, you cow!" Her face twisted in distain
"Wrong answer mutt!" She grabbed my ankle and pulled me hard.

The movement left a huge gash down my arm I screamed in pain as the cut started to cauterize itself effectively branding my arm. I looked down and saw the word mutt burned deep into my skin. The smell of my burning flesh made me sick to my stomach. I couldn't hold back the vomit that rose in my throat and emptied the contents of my stomach all over the floor.

The dark witch cackled "Now I'll ask again. Where. Are. They?!" I sat up slowly "GO. TO. HELL!" I screamed through gritted teeth. She punched the wall and let out a deafening screech while wrapping her hands around my neck, choking me until I passed out.

After the dark one choked lux she snapped her fingers cleaning up the blood and puke and stormed out muttering about how she'll be back slamming the door behind her.

I slid over to Lux's lifeless body praying for a pulse. I let out the breath I was holding when I felt a steady throb. Lux looked terrible the words 'worthless' and 'mutt' burned into her arms. And she was ghostly pale.

The burns looked bad, they were probably 3rd degree. I knew if I didn't get her out of here soon they would get infected and she could die. Even with her advanced healing abilities it would take her days to heal and they would scar.

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