New Friends

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CALLIE POV: I made it to mall right around 8am so I had plenty of time to shop. I needed to buy clothes, school supplies, and some stuff for the apartment. I decided that I should get the clothes first. I don't really enjoy shopping and I'm not really into fashion so I bought 5 pairs of jeans, 10 t shirts, a pair of dress pants with a blouse, a few dresses, and of course underwear. I also bought dress shoes, a pair of sandals, and 2 pairs of converse.

After all the clothes shopping I decided to grab something to eat. I made my way to the food court and grabbed some pizza. I was just sitting at a table enjoying my lunch when someone sat at my table. "Hi what's your name?" This mystery boy asked. I was scared, but I answered him anyway "my name is Callie.What's yours?" "Gabe my name is Gabe. Look I'm sorry to bother you, but I've never seen you around,are you new in town?" He asked and gave me a big smile. I smiled back, "yes I just moved here last week. Hey aren't you supposed to be in school?" I thought it was odd that Gabe was at the mall this early.
" oh I'm in the work based learning program I come here every few days and intern with the malls business associates. We ended early today so I thought I'd grab a bite to eat."

Gabe and I sat and talked for about an hour before he had to leave. I'm glad I met him. He seems like he'd be a good friend.
After Gabe left I finished shopping and went back to my apartment. It was getting dark by the time I got back so I decided to just stay in and make myself some dinner. I fixed myself some cereal and watched movies until it was late. I went to bed around midnight. I was exhausted and sleep came easy.
I just arrived at school and it's weird because there's a faint smell of lemon and honey, but I guess it's just my mind playing tricks on me. Max and Gabe have work based learning today so I'm on my own today. My classes were uneventful and I just wanted to go home so as soon as the lunch bell rang I went to the parking lot. I almost made it to my car when I heard someone calling my name.... Trey. "Great I wonder what he wants." "Just keep walking there's no need to cause a scene today." Jetta had a point so I picked up my pace and got into my car before trey could reach me. As I was pulling away I saw trey in my rear view mirror and he did not look happy! He should get the hint and stay away from me. When I got home I worked on my homework until dinner. I ate quickly and snuck out for a run. We aren't supposed to run alone, but I needed to clear my head.
After I shift I make my way around the territory I don't really have a destination in mind so I let Jetta take over. "Let's go to the meadow! Maybe our mate is there!" I guess there's no harm in checking the meadow. Jetta sprints to the meadow, but unfortunately it's empty and now I'm sad well even more sad because this empty field just reminds me that I have no idea where my mate is or who she is. I sulk back to the pack house and shower. After my shower I see the drawing I did this morning. Should I keep it? Should I burn it? I don't know what to do with it so I just shove it in my desk drawer and climb in bed. After some tossing and turning I finally fall asleep and hope for a better day tomorrow.

Ok I'm sorry for the filler chapter! I hope you guys like the story so far! I would love to get some feedback or some suggestions on the story! Thanks for reading and enjoy!

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