Chapter Nine

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Perrie’s P.O.V.

“Come on.” Zayn was pushing me out of the door. I was trying to sneak out of the grip he had around my waist. As I woke up I just wanted to snuggle up into my Onesie and catch up on Supernatural. Jade bought me the new season since we are too busy to watch it on television. And I just could not stand him today.

“I don’t want to.” I was being such a brat, but sometimes I just needed my Perrie time. I know I was getting on his nerves but it didn’t bother me. “We are going, one way or another. So just stop fighting it.” He insisted that we would do some bonding. “But I don’t want to.” I yelled at him, I did not care if paparazzis found us now, and heard me yelling.

“Stop it. Will you, for once.” He stopped dragging me along, and looked down at me. “For once, damn it.” He yelled. I felt like a little kid, I was afraid. “I am sorry, but we both are in this, it’s the contract. You fucking signed, you agreed on it. You did not even tell your family of it. Your band mates found out two weeks later.” He was getting louder with every word. “So stop whining about it, if I need to be with you then at least let’s try to get along with each other.” I wrapped my jacket as much as possible around me and nodded.

“Thank god.” He muttered under his breath. Every time moments got serious and I got stubborn he got quite aggressive. They don’t just call him ‘bad-boy’ without a reason, I always question myself how the boys get along with him being this moody. The other half of my brain was again thinking about the contract.

I could recall everything our management said this day, “It will be so productive, think about it Miss Edwards, all the promotion. Your band will climb up the charts like no one else would.” They did not tell us the contras. Zayn.

Of course I met him here and there and we chatted he was really nice, then. And he was amazingly handsome; every girl would kill to be with him. They send death threats so I should know. But they don’t know the real him. The hot headed, flirty, aggressive, domineering Zayn.

Soft music was filling the air in the car, I never dared to ask him were we were heading to after fights. I learned not to after the first few times. “I’m sorry,” his raspy voice caught me off guard, “I’m sorry for calling you off like that I growled at you like that. I shouldn’t have.” His soft brown eyes met mine while he should watch the street.

I smiled without noticing and my eyes wandered down to his full pink lips, the ones who taste like heaven. Pure softness. Moments of weakness of us both appeared in my head. How he could be protective over me, and jealous after someone looked at me the way only he was allowed to. How his hands travelled down my back and explored my whole body. I stuck in a breath and closed my eyes.

I missed those rare moments, the moments when he wasn’t Zayn Malik the guy from One Direction and I wasn’t Perrie Edwards the girl from Little Mix. Then we were just a boy and a girl. But our relationship is anyways so complicated.

“We are here.” Zayns voice appeared on my left side, and cold air was creeping up my legs. “Where is here.” I spat at him, raising an eyebrow and jumped out of the car after he stepped away. “My new house.” As those words left his mouth mine fell open.

That isn’t a house, that’s a mansion. “That’s – that’s yours?” I asked, being starstruck.  He nodded, clattered with the keys. That woke the inner child in me and I tried to reach them, he knew it and so he raised his hand up and I was jumping up and down, trying to reach it somehow. “Oii, someone is really curious, eh?” He chuckled and gave me the keys, I ran up to the door and opened it.

The smell of ‘new’ filled my nostrils. Till now I just saw a long white floor. “Since when is it yours?” I turned around after I heard the door shut behind me. “Since,” he took out his phone and turned it on. “about an hour?” My eyes nearly fell out. “You mean, I am the first one you show your new baby to?” He scratched the back of his neck and looked down, a slight color of rose made its way up on his cheeks.

“Are you blushing?” I asked him, my voice barely above a whisper. He looked at me, only then I realised I walked up to him and our noses were nearly touching. His hand reached up to caress my cheek, instantly they started burning under his touch. “Are you blushing, Edwards?” He smirked and took the keys. I groaned, he ruined the moment.

“Now tell me, are you curious or not? Let’s explore my new, oh so called ‘baby’.” He ran off, and me on his heel.

Jesy’s P.O.V.

“Jade why are we again here?” I asked my, oh so beloved sister. “You. Need. New. Clothes.” Biting her nails she looked at the shirts in front of her. “You mean you need new clothes.” She chuckled. “Come on, you got your first salary. And you haven’t been shopping for ages.” The girl in front of me turned into a shopaholic. Great.

Five minutes later, I lost her. So instead of staying in the shop, I don’t even remember the name, I left to just have a short walk in London. And soon enough I got lost, I ended up in a tiny darker street. I blew air up in the sky, a white cloud made its way up. If I could only be that free.

Free from how I am supposed to look, if everyone could be free. I sat down on the ground, the little light from the down going sun was just enough for my eyes to make out the huge graffiti down the alley. I frowned and tried to read it from my spot out but I couldn’t.

Me being that curious I got up and ran down, the air got caught in my throat. I gulped. It was the graffiti some friends of mine and the one who shall not be named did. I took a step closer, my fingers running down the line of the A from it. I remember ever second of it like it was yesterday.

*10 months ago*

“Let’s go I am freezing.” I told Jordan, he smirked and took my hand. It took all of my body control not to let my palm sweat under his touch. It was like a fire broke out wherever he touched me. “It’s Zacs’ Birthday, live a little.” His long eyelashes nearly touched his cheek.

“I have an idea, let’s be riots.” Ky shouted while running down the street. That won’t end up good. “What is he planning?” I questioned Jordan out of breath while running after the others. He shrugged but laughed. “I have no fucking clue, but it will be epic I know.”

Five minutes later we were standing in a dark alley a rotty smell in the air. “Just paint, spray something, anything.” They bought graffiti cans. Each colour from black to gold, I instantly grabbed a dark blue one and tried it out. I took off the cap, and shook it. The metal ball in it was clattering and then I tried spraying. “Ow.” Someone yelled next to me.

“Jesminda Louise Nelson. Get that thing under control, you ruined my shirt.” My best friend tried yelling at me but failed due his laughing fit. I joined him and took his colour which was dark red and walked over to the other side and wrote in bold letters on it ‘ART IS NOT A CRIME’.

“What are you doing there?” Someone yelled and soon enough I found everyone running away from the police. It seemed like I just stood there and painted in the alley but in reality we had been there for more than thirty minutes. Jordan and I were cuddled up in a dark corner. “I actually like the graffiti on my shirt, Jesminda.” He whispered in my ear.

Shivers made its way down my spine. I turned around, his face was just millimetres away from mine. “I’m glad you do.” I breathed out. “Oh and how I do …” he leaned in, just before he had the chance to kiss me ear-piercing yells broke us apart. “Jordan. Nelson. Banjo. Where are y- HERE YOU ARE.”

A tiny tear rolled down my cheek while thinking at the memory of him nearly kissing me.


A/N: I am so sorry for not updating i know, i should have uptadet earlier. But school is keeping me so busy, but i try to update at least each month. AND i had an author block so yeah. But i like how it turned out.

Leave me a comment if you like that i change here and there the POV's and if you want to read more of other love storys. 

Anyways i am out.



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