Chapter Six

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My legs felt like they were on fire, and sweat was running down my forehead into my eyes. To say I was exhausted was the understatement of the century. I was used to dance but not to dance that much that my feet were covered with blisters.

Eventually the music stopped and the heavy breathing from Aubrey, who was now lying on the ground; was filling the air. Her heart shaped face was bordered from her auburn shoulder length hair. Her dark green eyes were closed and the only sign, that told me that she was alive, was how her chest moved up and down.

I grabbed my water bottle, uncapped it and chugged it. My heart beat started slowly to become natural. I fell on my back, closing my eyes; I put my towel on my face. I was feeling like I was still dancing. I felt how someone hovered above me.

"No, I am dead, leave me alone!" As response I heard giggling. "Ya know, I am your ride you should either get yourself a car or you get ready." Why did I even bother with this Spanish asshole. I groaned. "Don't you see I am dead or are you dumb and blind?" He laughed in return, you know that laugh that makes you all giddy and you want to hear more from it? Yes, that one.

The towel got pulled away from my face and the light was hurting my eyes, "Oh god, I get it." I muttered as I pushed myself up. An award winning smile was now plastered on his face. "That's the Jessica I know."

I sighed and made him give me my towel. "See you at my car in let's say 20?" I thumbed up and started walking out of the mirrored room. I just looked down on my shoes as I ran into a heard wall of muscles.

"Ow, can you not look where you are wal-" I looked up and my breath got caught. "I am sorry?" An amused smirk made its way onto Zayn Maliks face. "I-I am, ... I am sorry I just, - I am sorry I run into you." He nodded, I felt how my cheeks started burning.

He might not be my type, but he was still handsome and I had a thing for tanned males. He scratched his head. "And you are?" "I am Jesy, Jesy Nelson. Background dancer from Mix³." His mouth formed a perfect 'o' shape.

He raised his index finger and pointed towards me, I tied my hair up into a new bun. "You are the Jesy?" His eyes widened, I nodded being confused was not really something I liked. I should be amazed that I met a One Direction Member even if I wasn't that big fangirl some of their songs were good.

"Zayn back off, we have to get going right." Perrie appeared behind me, an apologetically smile was everything she gave me before she pulled her boyfriend out of the room. "I leave you one second alone and all you do is flirt with someone else?" I heard her snap.

I frowned why was she acting like that around him? She was such a sweetheart. I shrugged and walked to the showers. But I still could hear them arguing about where they would head now.


"Even my yaya would have been faster than you!" I just got into his car and threw my bag on the back seats. "Your what?" I gave him a puzzled look while I buckled myself in. I knew it was Spanish by how he pronounced it. He started the engine and pulled out of the parking lot.

"How do you say it?" He bit his lip, concentrating on the street. I was humming to some song on the radio, being totally into the rhythm. I had my full attention on the houses we passed.

"Oh right." He shouted, making me jump. "Granny, my granny." I hit his arm as hard as I could. "Owch, for what was that?" He was driving with his right arm because his left one was on the place I hit him.

"Think about it? You scared the shit outta me, that's what you get for frightening me. Why am I even sitting here? Goad." I was throwing a tantrum but he just made me go crazy. And to my bad he even started laughing. "Stop." I shouted but he continued. I muttered several swears under my breath.

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