16~ // End Credits

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"Star.." Marco began, both of their hearts tingling. "I guess now is the time to talk about this 'stupid art room'" He quoted Star, sighing. Star bit her lip, nodding. "I guess you're right." Star mumbled, sitting down on a table. He leaned against the wall. "What do we talk about first?" He questioned, his facial expression seeming worried. She shrugged. "How do you .. feel..?" She mumbled. "Tingly." He stated. "Confused.. At most." He spoke louder this time. He peered to her, raising an eyebrow. "Me too." She admitted, frowning. "Why did you hate me..?" He asked after a quick silence. "I don't. I never did." Star sighed, looking up at him. "Then what was all of that?" He furrowed his eyebrows. "I guess I was screaming.." Star mumbled. "You still never told me what happened when you went missing." He sat down beside her. Star quickly went hushed. "I never told anyone." She mumbled quietly. "Why? What's so horrible that happened? Whatever it was, there are people who will help you. Including me." He frowned. "No one would understand.." She looked up at him, then looked to her hands. "I could try." He offered, tilting his head. "Some other time. Not right now." She muttered, clasping her hands together and standing up. "What's been going on in your mind, Marco? Because lately I can't tell if you care at all or not." She turned around and faced him. "I.. I really don't know. You make things... complicated. But in a good way? Jackie.. She makes me happy.. But you make me happier without even trying.. It's so much." He stammered, trying to find the right words to explain. "I see." Star went quiet. "I feel warm around her." He admitted, making Star twitch with a little hurt. "But you make me feel everything possible, and nothing at all." He explained, shaking his head and looking to the ground. "Me too." Star said, sitting down. "What do we do?" Star looked up, Marco walking over. He held out his hand. "We always have the chance to find out." He offered. She looked up, examining his emotions. He was confident, are clearly felt determined to find out. Star gave a little smile, before grabbing his hand. He pulled her up off the chair, and walked her outside. As he shut the door, he turned around. Star grabbed his other hand. They stood for a minute, just looking at each other and holding each others' hands. "Ready?" They both asked at the same time. "You tell me." They smiled, speaking in unison. Letting go of each other's hands, they walked back to the gym, parting their ways to find their partner.
"Jackie?" Marco walked around near the DJ booth. He quickly caught her talking to Oskar in the corner, both sipping punch and laughing together. "Oh shoot.. Star's going to be.." He faded out. "Wait.. But Jackie.." His heart fell. Or- at least- half of it. "Jackie?" Marco called. She turned around, smiling to a frown. "Marco, there you are! I was looking for you everywhere." She walked up to him, Oskar following a few feet behind. "Um.. Oh. Well I was looking for you?" He said, tilting his head and raising an eyebrow as he crossed his arms. She shrugged. "You found me." She chuckled, giving a little smile. "Do you wanna dance?" Marco asked, pointing his thumb to the dance floor. "Weeellll.." Jackie raised her shoulders to her cheek, then slumped with a sigh. "I'm gonna run to the bathroom real quick, Diaz." She gave him a pet on the shoulder then walked away. "Oh, okay." Marco mumbled, left standing there in the gym room. Alone. Oskar walked up to him. "Sorry, man. Where's your date?" He asked. Marco let his face expression quickly go flat. "That was my date." He said flatly. "Ohhh. Really? My bad, bro." Oskar shrugged. "Where's your date?" Marco sarcastically asked, knowing it was Star. He shrugged, making Marco furrow his eyebrows. "I dunno. I let her go off and I don't feel like finding her. I mean, I was talking to Jackie Lynn Thomas, man. Who wouldn't want to ditch their date for Jackie?" Oskar smiled. Marco took a moment to take in what Oskar had just said. "Me. I wouldn't ditch my date for Jackie Lynn Thomas." Marco stated, sternly. "Whoa man, chill. And what do you mean, you just said she came with you?" Oskar raised an eyebrow. "She might've come with me but that doesn't necessarily mean that if I had the chance that someone else liked me, that I would automatically ditch them for someone else. That's disrespectful and not right. You don't even know if she likes you, but you do know he other girl did. Did you ever give her a chance?" Marco asked, clearly angry. "What's your deal, Diaz? I came with that trainwreck of a girl Star Butterfly." Oskar chuckled as he spoke. "She's only a 'trainwreck' because of jerks like you." He growled, loudly. A few people turned around, curious about the situation. A little bit of people quieted down. "What are you talking about? She's always been a wreck. That's why no one asked her. I only asked her because she's friends with Jackie and I needed to impress her that I could get a date. All I did was give the girl some fake flower I found outside of the art room and lie about how I've 'always liked her' and that I helped during her disappearance." He snickered, crossing his arms. "That's low." Marco retorted. "Thank you." Oskar sarcastically replied, grinning. "What did she ever do to you?" Marco asked. At this point, a lot of people had crowded around them, watching the scene. "Nothing, it's just funny seeing how hopeless she seems and how happy she gets when she thinks anyone actually cares about her." Oskar laughed. A few people snickered from the crowd. "No. You know what, Oskar? She doesn't deserve this. She never did. She's faced the Devil herself, only to come back here in pieces. She doesn't need people like you in her life. She does have people who care. Jackie and I. Her parents, and all of her friends." Marco hissed in Oskar's face. Oskar laughed, shaking his head. "If you like her so much why didn't you ask her, yourself?" He tilted his head. "I'm starting to think I should've." Marco almost let out. He took a moment. "Because Jackie doesn't deserve anyone like you, either. I'm letting both of them know about this." He growled. "No need to." He heard through the quiet crowd. Everyone quickly started mumbling vigorously. "OHHHH THIS JUST GOT INTENSE." Someone yelled from the back. Ignoring the crowd, Marco quickly spun around. "Star!" He gasped. "Butterfly! Diaz here is trying to say I don't love you." Oskar frowned. "Maybe because that's the truth." Star grunted, taking her hair down from the bun. "News spreads like wildfire." Oskar chuckled. "You're a loud talker, Oskar." Star stated. "I am? Have you seen lover boy over here?" Oskar laughed, a few other people chuckling in the crowd. "I don't need him to speak words for me, so if you have something to say to and about me, you say it to me in my face right here, and right now." She demanded, stepping closer. Marco backed out of her way. "You're pathetic. If you think you're intimidating, you're funny. You're name is literally Star Butterfly. There's is literally no name that's less intimidating than that." Oskar snickered, not moving an inch. "I'm willing to bet by the end of this conversation, you'll be running out of here screaming and limping." Star threatened. "Star, don't be like him." Marco set a hand on her pale shoulder. "I'm not like him, no matter my actions." She sighed, walking up very close to Oskar. "You're hilarious." Oskar said. "You have till three to either get the frick out of here, or get ready to be beaten by a girl. With the name of Star Butterfly. There's clearly no less of an intimidating name than that, honey." Star smiled sweetly. "You're kidding, right? Three? What am I, five?" He snickered. He set his hand on Star's waist. "If you want to keep your hand, you better get it off of me." She growled. Marco stood in the front of the crowd, watching. "Fierce, but no thank you." Oskar smirked. "One." Star stated. "I'm not afraid of you, Butterfly." He raised is eyebrows, smiling. "Two." She counted down, her expression turning serious. "Right." Oskar nodded, putting his other hand on her waist. "Three." Her eyes widened, as she threw a fist at his jaw. "OH MY GOD!" A few kids yelled in unison. "OOOHHHHHH!!!" the crowd yelled. Oskar scrambled back, stunned. He held his jaw a minute, before smiling, and turning back to Star. "Where are your tricks again, Butterfly?" He teasingly asked. Star grabbed something in her bag. "Wh- What are you doing.." Oskar quickly shifted his eyes around the room, then back to Star. "I already warned you. Do it again, Oskar. Don't test me." She hissed. "Right." He nodded, rolling his eyes. "I've had enough of you, Oskar. I really can't stand seeing you here anymore." Star sighed, gripping the item in her bag. "Then why don't you leave?" Oskar smiled, walking closer to her face. "Because then I won't get to see the grand finale!" Star went from a serious expression, to a sweet smile. "What?" Oskar furrowed his eyebrows. Star quickly spun around, and punched Oskar in the back of the neck, him tumbling over on the hard gym floor. She grabbed the item from her bag. "Never thought I'd be using you again.." Star mumbled, peering to her wand. "Ready?" She looked to Marco. "You tell me." He grinned. She faced Oskar again, smiling. "Since I'm nice enough, I'll give you the option of running out of here screaming like a little girl, or I'll make you. Which would you rather?" Star raised an eyebrow. The crowd quickly started talking again. "Right, like I'd voluntarily do that myself." Oskar wiped his bloody nose, him laying on the floor. "Fair enough." Star shrugged, smiled. The wand glowed a bright blue, as a light beam brightly blasted Oskar. "OW" He yelled, being hit by the beam. He scrambled to his feet, as the crowd made a way for Oskar to leave. He looked to Star and Marco standing beside each other. "Jackie's going to know about this." He yelled, a scared expression on his face, before turning to the exit and limped out quickly. As he left, everyone started yelling and talking again. Star turned to Marco. "At least I know you've got my back." She tilted her head, smiling. "Now I know you've got mine as well, right?" He asked. "Always." She nodded, smiling. "I'm gonna go refresh. I'll be right back." Star gave a weak smile, turning around and making her way out of the gym. Marco stood there, the corner of the gym, alone. The music blared through the loud speakers, as the room lit up with colored lights and loud chatter. He sat down on a chair in the corner. "Does it get easier?" He heard, looking to a kid beside him. "You new?" Marco smiled, asking. "Yeah.." The boy mumbled, looking down. "Well, if you're lucky.." Marco began. The kid looked up at Marco as he spoke. "then no." Marco shook his head, shrugging. "What do you mean?" The kid raised an eyebrow. "You'll see. Who do you like here?" Marco asked. "Him." The boy pointed to a short kid with red curly hair. "You sure?" Marco asked. "He's the most popular kid though." The boy beside him mumbled, frowning. "Then go make it complicated." Marco smiled, as the kid looked at him. "Why?" The boy scrunched up his face. Marco shrugged. "You never know what could happen." Marco explained. "He has a date though." The boy frowned. "Who?" Marco raised an eyebrow. "Him!" The kid pointed to a guy with blonde hair. "Just go talk to him." Marco chuckled. "Okay, I guess so." The brunette boy stood up, and walked over. He tapped the red haired boy's shoulder. As the other turned around, they started talking. Marco sat in the corner and watched as they smiled and laughed. One pointed to the refreshment table. The brunette nodded, as they both walked off and went to get refreshments. "There you are!" Marco heard, looking up.

I Think Earth Is A Pretty Great Place | SVTFOEजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें