6~ // Alone

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A/N: Major feels warning (':
Also, mature topics i guess?
Just a heads up to you buddies.


"Any sign of Star lately?" Marco ran to catch up to Jackie at her locker. She shook her head. "They're thinking something might've happened to her." Jackie frowned, shutting her locker, as she turned to Marco. "Like.. What kind of thing?" He asked, concerned, gripping his books in his arms. She shrugged, leaning against the lockers. "Disappearance doesn't just happen. It has to have a reason." She explained, as Marco nodded. "Right, though. Are you implying she could've been kidnapped?" He asked, worriedly. Jackie paused, then looked to Marco again. "Or worse." She said, before Janna walked up beside Jackie. "Let's not think of that." Jackie sighed, and turned to Janna. They walked off, as Marco stood alone at Jackie's locker. Frozen.
"Star.." Tom began, turning around to her. "Why would you.. Why would you show me this?" She looked him in the eye, tears running from hers. "Star, I told you.." He faded out. "No, this is my home, and it's ruined. What the heck happened here?!" She asked, her voice breaking as she spoke. "I.. Th-.. The war.." He mumbled, trying to find something else to say. "Are.. Are my parents.." She asked, without finishing her sentence. He paused, and walked to a remaining paper, half burnt and charred from fire. He turned back around to Star, walking over and handing it to her. "What's this?" She asked harshly. He pointed to a headline. "Moon and River Butterfly.. DEAD." It read. Star broke down, falling to the floor with tears. Tom bent down, sitting beside her. Trees and plants raged with fire, upon the red dirt of Mewni. Star sobbed, and leaned into Tom. He paused, and just peered outside of the carriage door as he let Star cry into his shoulder.
"So you're meaning to tell me that Star Butterfly has gone missing for longer than 3 days now, and you're concerned she was doing something that lead up to her disappearance?" A slender man with black hair asked, sitting in front of Marco. Marco nodded. "Yes. The first time we talked, she was sitting outside in the rain like it was normal. That's probably nothing, but she constantly mumbled things under her breath when i brought her inside, and she seemed really.." He paused. "Off?" the man asked. Marco shrugged, "I wouldn't know, we don't know each other that well." He admitted. The man nodded. "Anyway, the next day I saw her at the library and we might have got into a small argument- not the point- but I grabbed the book she was reading and it was about battle and war. Weaponry and fighting techniques." He explained, as the man jotted down notes quickly. "My point being, I get she could've been upset that day, and that she could just be interested in war and battle and stuff, but it seemed weird to me. I got weird vibes from her, and in my karate dojo rumor has it there's a girl who pays to come after lessons to practice in the backroom, and she beat one of the toughest kids there on her first day coming. No one knows who it is except the kid she beat, but he quit and so did the other two kids who were there." Marco continued. "Do you know any of the kids' names?" The man asked. "Jeremy, but no one really knows where he transferred dojos to." Marco replied, shrugging. The guy nodded, and set down his notepad. "Anything else we need to know here?" He asked Marco. He shook his head, frowning. "We'll see what we can do with this information." The male assured, tapping his pen on the desk edge, standing up to escort Marco out of his office.

She sat at the lake with Tom, sighing. "I'm sorry about everything." Tom apologized, breaking the long silence. "It's.. Not your fault." She mumbled, throwing a rock into the water. She sighed again, as the sky glowed a dark grey and the ground filled with a misted fog. "Look, it's not your fault either, Star. This was never meant to happen. They were supposed to win for you, and you were supposed to come back to your family." he explained, trying to comfort her. Star looked away bitterly, her chin resting on her knees, which were held close to her chest by her arms. "That's the point." She muttered. "What do you mean?" Tom cocked his head, furrowing his eyebrows. "I mean, if they hadn't sent me off with this stupid wand, they probably could've returned safe and sound back at home, along with all of Mewni. They were supposed to win for me, but they didn't, because they didn't have this stupid wand. I was supposed to come back to them, and my home. But instead I got fire and ashes and dead parents and friends. All. Because. Of. This. Stupid. Wand." Star glanced at Tom, extending her legs again. "You know what, Star, it's no one or nothing's fault except for the people who did this to your home, to Mewni, or your family and friends." Tom stated. "I guess." She grunted, looking away. "Don't be bitter, your parents wouldn't want that." He frowned. "How would you know? They're dead." Star growled, tossing a rock into the lake. "I'm gonna find out who did this." Star and Tom mumbled in unison. "Back off, this isn't your fight." Star turned her head to him, angrily. "I don't care, I'm doing it for you whether you like it or not. And I'm doing it for Mewni." He stood up, brushing himself off. "I should've never called you." She muttered under her breath, and Tom's angry expression slowly faded to a frown. "I'm gonna prove to you that I'm not the same." He thought, turning away and walking off, Star not paying any attention.
   The slender man nodded, as the Thomas family explained all they knew about Star. "So that's everything you can remember?" He asked. They all nodded. "Alright." He said, standing up with a grunt and a sigh. They heard a fist pounding on the back door. Jackie quickly peered over, along with her parents and the officer. "Manchester, we have both good and bad news." A skinny blonde male stated seriously, his brown eyes strictly focusing on the slender officer. "Speak." Manchester commanded. "Good news, we found the girl." The man stated. "What's the bad news, Kyle?" Manchester asked, as the Thomas' stood up, concerned. "Why don't you ask the hospital?" Kyle frowned, losing his tensity.

   "They found her, I heard." Marco walked up behind Jackie before leaving their last class. Jackie looked at him, then faced back to her desk. "Yeah, what's your point?" She asked, gathering her belongings. "Is she okay?" He asked, worriedly. Jackie started toward the door, Marco at her side as they talked. "No.. I don't think so.." Jackie shrugged. "What's that supposed to mean?" Marco raised an eyebrow as they took a stop at Jackie's locker. She put in the combination, and popped open her locker, as she began speaking again. "She's in the hospital right now, Marco. She's getting therapy for something that's happened to her. She's traumatized, and she's grieving. You have no idea how much I feel sorry and how guilty I feel." She sighed, shutting her locker gently. Marco frowned. "I-.. I'm so sorry. I didn't think it was going to get this serious.." He mumbled, putting a hand on her shoulder. She turned around and gave him a hug, wrapping her arms around him. "I'm worried about her. They won't tell us anything unless it's vague information." Jackie mumbled, as Marco stood there in shock. He stood silently for a good thirty seconds before quickly trying to pull it together and comfort her. He hugged her back, and spoke. "I'm sorry, Jackie. I wish I could help. I'm sorry this is happening to you and your friend, I know you guys are close." He responded, as Jackie let go. "Me too.." She mumbled. "How about.. Uhh.. Never mind.." He faded out. "How about we just take it easy for today and go get some ice cream and go to the carnival?" She asked, looking up at Marco. He nodded, "if that's what'll get your mind off of the situation, sure." He smiled, as she smiled as well. "It would." Jackie said, grabbing Marco's hand as they walked off.

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