4~ // An Empty Sky

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She slammed her locker, and gushed. "Honestly it was nuts!" Star exclaimed to Jackie. "That sounds it." Jackie said, smiling. Star nodded. "So like, did the kid say anything about you winning?" Jackie questioned, as her and Star began walking down the hall. "No, but he didn't say anything about me losing either." Star shrugged. Jackie chuckled, as Star did as well. "Hey, Jackie, I'm gonna drop out on the mall thing. I've got some exploring I want to do today." Star explained. Jackie smiled, and shrugged. "That's alright. We could go next time you aren't busy." She said, laughing a little. "Sorry, Jackie." Star frowned. Jackie smiled, and put a hand on Star's shoulder. "Hey, that's alright! I'm getting some lunch though with Chantelle if you're able to come?" She asked, and crossed her arms with a smile. "Sure!" Star smiled, as Jackie dropped down her skateboard at the sidewalk. She clipped on her helmet, and handed Star a helmet. "Ready?" She asked, as Star nodded with a "Totally!"
   Star sighed, and plopped down on a bench in the park, Jackie following alongside. "And then when you blasted that cardboard monster cutout!" Jackie laughed, as did Star. "My favorite was when you and I won the monster claw game and Chantelle broke the controller!" Star giggled. Chantelle came running over, panting. "I CAAANT OUT RUN THEM" she fell over in front of the two. They all looked up, noticing the restaurant owner running over angrily. "RUN" they all yelled, Star and Jackie grabbing Chantelle and bolting away quickly. They all slowed down, out of breath. "Okay, well that was fun." Star exclaimed, smiling. Jackie and Chantelle nodded. "I think it's time for my exploring now though." Star shrugged, frowning. They all nodded, and went their separate ways with a "thanks guys!" From Chantelle And a "cya later!" From Star, And an "I'll see you at home!" From Jackie to Star.
  Star shut the door, and sighed. She flopped onto her small little bed, and let out a loud groan. "I'm so tired.." She yelled, muffled by the sheets. She turned around, plopping her back onto the bed. She sighed, grabbing her mirror phone out of her bag. I hope they're okay. She'd think, calling her mom. No response, just the hum of the mirror buzzing and trying to find a connection. "This cell does not exist." The robotic tone said. "What?" Star sat up, throwing her blonde hair behind her back, and out of her way. "Call provider." Star said, as the dial rang. No response. "This cell do-" the line went static. Star panicked, as her mirror phone blared the static glitches. She stood up, grabbing a jacket and quickly slinging it on. Jackie carefully opened her door, peering out into the hall to Star. "Are you okay?" She asked, Star quickly looking at her. She shook her head. "What's up?" Jackie asked, stepping out of her room. "Uh.." Star began. "It's- it's just .. Homesickness." She lied, yet again. Jackie nodded, and smiled. "It's okay, I understand. You going out to get a fresh breath of air?" She asked. Star nodded. "Okay, but don't be long my parents have dinner almost done and it's late out." She smiled, and went back into her room, shutting the door. Star sighed, and quickly- yet quietly- slipped past and to the outdoors. She inhaled the cool misty air of the dark outdoors. She peered to the sky. Starless. It was dark blue, compared to the brightness and paleness of the bright moon. Most nights you wouldn't be able to see the mist of the moon, but tonight was different. It lightly drizzled, as Star stared up to the moon. She stood silently, feeling her heart ache. They didn't send me off to practice.. Did they? She'd think, dropping slowly to her knees on the wet concrete as the rain came down harder. She stood up, and wiped her face. She felt freezing. She peered back at the house, and then to the moon. She sighed, looking to the forest behind the home. They sent me off to help them.. She whispered in her thoughts, and with that, bolted off into the forest.
   "How am I gonna get back home?" She asked herself, stepping on twigs and wet plants. She shivered, and pressed her shoulders to her cheeks. "What if something happened to.." She faded off, as she stepped out of the forest and into and large field with a lake. Christmas lights wrapped around the fence enclosing the lake area. "Beautiful.." She breathed, before a gentle tear rolled down her freezing face. She clutched the strap of her bag, her legs were aching from shivering for so long. She brushed off the mint dress, and continued on her way toward the lake.

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