14~ // Who Is Oskar?

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A/N: I don't really expect
this to be a more
serious or even long
chapter, so my sincerest
apologies about that!


Star shut the car door, walking to her locker. She looked up, seeing Marco. She froze, staring at Marco. "Star!" A tan boy with a long brown fringe walked over. "Hi?" She tilted her head, gripping her bag strap. "Hey, I know we don't talk but I have something to ask of you." The boy began. "Okay, hi. Clearly you know me, but who are you?" She tilted her head, smiling a little. "Why does he remind me of Marco?" Star asked herself. "Right, I'm Oskar." He held out his hand. Star quickly shifted her eyes to Marco. "Oh.. He's with Jackie.. " Star frowned. "Is something wrong?" Oskar cocked his head. Star quickly looked to Oskar. "Of course not! Nice to meet you, Oskar." She gave a sweet smile. She shook his hand, as her mind raced with thoughts. "I bet he brought Jackie over here to make a point. Maybe to make me jealous. Maybe so we wouldn't be able to have another moment together. He's right, he doesn't like me. He's Jackie's anyway, and I wouldn't want to hurt her at all. She doesn't deserve that from me. I've already done too much things to her and her family, she doesn't deserve pain like that." Star told herself. "You needed o ask me something?" Star cut off her thoughts, trying to focus on the kind boy in front of her. He smiled. "Right!" He said. "His skin and his hair are the same color as Marco's.." Star thought. "But this isn't Marco.. Wait, does he have to be Marco? Don't make someone change to be someone else just for your own benefits." Star' argued back and forth between herself. Oskar pulled out a rose. Not a red rose, but a delicate dusty pink colored rose. "Oh?" Star cocked her head, furrowing her eyebrows. She brushed back her hair, as it slid off her shoulders. She kept it in a cute high ponytail, with loose strands dangling. "Do you want to be my date to the fall dance?" He asked. Star was taken aback, scrunching up her nose. She couldn't help but give a little smirk. "That's really sweet." Star began, kindly. "I've always liked you since I saw you. When I heard you were missing I helped out. It'd mean a lot to me if you went as my date." The boy explained. Star peered to Jackie and Marco, realizing they had hugged. "He's probably already asked her. I know he wouldn't ever ask me. And besides, this boy- Oskar. He seems kind.. I guess.." Star thought. She turned to Oskar, tilting her head. She smiled to him. "Sure, Oskar. I'll be your date to the fall dance." Star stated, taking the rose delicately. "Cool! Star Evangeline Butterfly, you will not regret this!" Oskar smiled, and quickly walked off to his next class. Star frowned, as he walked away. She turned to Marco, as he watched Jackie turn the other way and run off to class. Marco quickly peered back to Star, going from smiling to frowning. Star held the rose, sighing. Marco walked over. "Star?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows. "I don't care anymore." She said, shoving him aside to walk to class. "Wh- Star?! Are you angry at me for last time?" He chased after her, as she opened the art room door. She held it open, letting him walk in first. He paused, before walking in. "Just because I'm upset doesn't mean I'm not going to hold the door open for you. It's respectful." She shrugged. He tried to hide his smile, but he couldn't help but gleam. "She's so cute even when she's angry and upset.. And she's so nice too.." He thought. He caught himself, and shook his head. "You going in the art room or not?" Star sighed, sounding quite annoyed. He blinked himself back to reality, and nodded. "Yeah, soRRY." He quickly said, walking into the room. She rolled her eyes, following in after him and shutting the door. "Why are you angry at me?" Marco asked, messing with a paint brush. Star shrugged. "I'm not." She stated calmly. "Then what was all that?" He furrowed his eyebrows. "You know, sometimes it's best to just keep things at a low. Maybe we should do that." Star explained, her shoulders slumping. "I can't believe I just said that." She thought. "I can't believe she just said that." Marco's mind repeated the exact same thoughts. "B-.." He began. "But nothing. You're practically with Jackie, and I'm going to the dance with Oskar. There's nothing here, stop trying to make a bridge to connect us." Star sighed. "And don't do anything stupid. You know there's people coming now because of how much time we took up." Star added. He nodded, frowning. "This is the way it has to be.. You did the right thing.." Star told herself, feeling her heart aching. "I guess she's right..." Marco sighed to himself. "I've always wanted Jackie, and now I have her right in my arms." He frowned. "But if I wanted her so much.. Why do I want someone else..?"

"Why did he want to talk to me after school?" Star thought. "Oh, you actually showed up?" Marco walked around the corner of the building. "Um.. I guess.." Star muttered. "What did you need to ask that was so important you had to ask me beside the school?" Star asked, almost annoyed. "It can't possibly be anything about me." Star sighed. He scrunched his nose, before relaxing and shrugging. "Well Jackie's everywhere besides the school and parents would ask why we were at school still if we were in the front, and the back of the school just sounds way freaky." Marco admitted, explaining. Star nodded. "Fair enough." She rolled her eyes, kicking a torn and balled up flyer for the dance that was on the ground. "Okay, well." Marco began. Star felt her face light up with warmth as he spoke. She looked away, while he was asking. "I'm gonna ask someone to the dance.. How should I ask Jackie?" He tensed up. "Oh wow you're coming to me, the girl you've had issues with, to ask questions about her friend; your crush?" She rolled her eyes. "Just do something nice. Be yourself, she'll go nuts over it probably. Don't ask me." Star shrugged, as she spoke. "Why not?" Marco frowned, furrowing his eyebrows and crossing his arms. "You look like a pouty kindergartner, quit it." Star gently punched his arm. "Ow." He winced. "Dude seriously..?" Star raised an eyebrow. "So wait... are we .. friends?"Marco paused. Star froze, and quickly looked to Marco. "I.. don't know.." Star slowly said. "Neither do I.." He mumbled. "I mean.. If you want to call us that.. Friends I mean.." Star shrugged, pursed her lips. "Well.. Only if you want .. Only if you want to.. Do you want to..? Be friends, I mean.." Marco asked, raising an eyebrow and awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. Star lightly shrugged. "Um.." They both said in unison. "JINX!" They both yelled, and then started laughing. "So.. Jackie, huh?" Star asked, looking at him. He nodded, giving an awkward smile. Star nodded as well, pursing her lips. "Cool." She said, and peered away and to the trees. "I'm sure she'll accept." Star smiled, turning back to Marco. He uncomfortably smiled, "Thanks." He nodded. "Oh uh well I'm gonna.. Go.." Star said, pointing to the front of the school. They both awkwardly laughed. "Okay. Cya.. Bye.." They exchanged their partings, Marco watching Star as she left. "Is this really what I want to do..?" He asked himself, just as Star turned the corner. "I guess we'll find out." He mumbled, kicking the flyer as well, before walking away.

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