5~ // What Ever Happened?

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"What do you mean she's gone?" Marco asked, sitting down on the brick wall Jackie usually sat at. "I mean she went missing last night after I spoke to her in the hall at my house." Jackie explained, worried. "Did you call the police? Print out flyers? Do your parents know?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. She nodded, sitting down beside Marco. "I tried calling the police, and they said they'd send out a search party. They put up flyers and so did my parents and I. Is there any place she would've gone?" She questioned, looking to Marco. He went a little red, then remembered the situation. He shook his head, "I don't really know her all that well, nevertheless a place she'd wander off to at 10 in the night." He admitted, furrowing his eyebrows. "I could help search though. It's the least I could do for you and her." He said, moving his hands as he spoke. "What do you mean?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. "Well I mean.. I guess I ran your friend away because I did something that set her off..." He faded out, frowning and looking away. "Marco, I'm sure it wasn't your fault. She said she was homesick and she needed a breath of fresh air." Jackie explained, putting a hand on his shoulder. He nodded, and looked at Jackie. "Thanks, but I'm helping anyway still." He said, standing up. She chuckled. "I knew you still would. You're just that kind of guy." She smiled, and stood up as well, just as they went off to search for Star.
   She groaned, tired and hungry. The sound of flies buzzed around her, and the chirps of birds and crickets rang through her ear. The wind blew calmly, as tree leaves fell to the ground and became thin and fragile. Star sat up, and yawned. She peered beside her, to the lake. It was huge, and yet so calming to her. She grabbed her mirror phone, calling Pony Head. Static. Star grew more and more concerned, as she stood up. Her scraggly hair blew in her face, as she tried to tie it up. "I can't believe I'm resorting to this." She said aloud, as she dialed up a number familiar to her. Ringing. She lit up, as the line read "connecting."  "Star?" A males voice called. "Tom, what's going on?" She asked. "Are you wearing a ponytail?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "TOM." She growled, Tom raising his hands in defense. "I- What are you talking about?" He asked, lowering his hands. "Pixie provider. My parents. My own best friend. They all won't answer, only you." She said in a harsh tone. "Wha- Star you're not supposed to be calling me.." He mumbled, looking away from his mirror. "I can't believe I'm saying this but- Tom don't hang up. I need you right now." She begged. He paused. "Need me?" He asked, looking at star through the mirror. "TOM. I NEED TO TALK TO YOU AND YOU WONT TAKE ME SERIOUSLY." She yelled. "I'm sorry.." He muttered, looking away again. "Tom, just- just explain to me what's happening right now. Two dimensions aren't answering." She explained, sounding scarred. "War." He mumbled. "I know that, I jus- Tom.. Is Mewni okay?" She sat down, placing her left hand on her forehead, as she held the mirror with her right. The line across went dead silent. "Tom?" She called out. The mirror hung up. Star growled, and threw the mirror into her bag in anger. "Of course he did this." She muttered angrily. Suddenly a hand on her shoulder, as she stood up, spinning around and punching the person with her bare fist. They went flying backward, with a familiar grunt. "Tom!" She yelled, quickly running to him as he lie on the scratchy dead grass. "Yeah- that's me.." He groaned in a hoarse voice, sitting up. "What are you doing here? How'd you get here?" She asked, backing up as Tom sat up. "Dimensional transport." He raised his hand to a black and red flying carriage nearby. "How else?" He stood up, Star following. "So wait, why'd you come here though? How'd you know I was in this dimension?" She asked. "It's important. And I could tell because of the background." He shrugged. "Oh." She said. She shrugged, and chased after him as he walked back to his ride. "So wait, where are you going?" She asked. "Exactly where you're going. Home." He said, stepping into his black and red flying carriage. Star paused at the foot of it, and crossed her arms. "What do you mean?" She asked. Tom took her wrist, pulling her into the carriage in front of him, carefully. "I don't want to do this, but it's for you." He mumbled, looking down to Star as he spoke to her. "Tom if this is just a gag to get me back I'm not coming." She stubbornly said, yanking her arm back after unfolding them. "I wouldn't do anything to hurt you!" He exclaimed, grabbing Star's hand as she turned around to walk away. She quickly turned around and slapped his pale lavender cheek. The impact left a pink mark across his face, as he held his hand up to his cheek. "That's not what your previous actions say." She retorted, upset. He furrowed his eyebrows in anger, before pausing and sighing, peering to the ground. "I'm sorry." He said, letting go of Star's hand. "Whatever.  What, are you bringing me to Mewni?" She asked, changing the topic. He paused. "Yeah." He said, as the door shut. A minute later they arrived, as they felt the bump of landing on ground. "Please don't freak out." He said, peering to Star with a frown. "Why would I?" She asked, her stomach going empty. The door opened, as they both stepped out onto the dirt ground. "Take me back to Earth." She immediately said, turning to Tom. "I'm sorry." He said as Star quickly looked away, and walked back into the carriage.

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