Baby, I Love You (Keith Moon)

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Imagine requested by kellimoon76

Imagine Keith is your friend and you're dating his band mate Roger. The thing is, you're more into your friend than you are your boyfriend. You thought that Roger was a great guy, but there was something about Keith that made you wish he was yours. He's crazy, but he's loyal and kind. You could always count on Moony to cheer you up. What you don't know, is that Keith is deeply, madly in love with you, and it's eating him alive because he knows you're someone else's girl.

One night, Keith decides that he couldn't take it anymore. He had to confess to you, and what better time to do it, than the middle of the night? You hear a knock at your door, and you reluctantly get up to answer it. You look through the peep hole and see Keith standing at your door.

"Moony, what the hell are you doin' here so late?" You mumble as you open the door.

"I-I've gotta speak to ya." His voice shakes. He's very anxious and you start to feel concern. You can see the beads of sweat on his forehead, and you wonder if something bad happened.

"Keith, what's wrong? Did something happen?"

", nothing's happened but..." At this point, he's shaking like a vulnerable puppy. Even though he seemed fearless, he was absolutely terrified of expressing his feelings. "I've got a confession t'make, I hope this doesn't make ya think less of me when I tell ya..."

You come closer to him and grab his shoulders. "Keith Moon, you're one of my favorite people on this planet, how could I ever think-"

"I'm in love with you!" He blurts, interrupting what you were saying.

Did he just say what I thought he said?

"You''re huh?" You stare into his eyes with your mouth slightly agape.

Keith takes your hands from his shoulders and puts them in his shaky ones. You have never seen this man so afraid and it broke your heart.

"I'm in love with you." He repeats.


"I knew I shouldn't have done this." He curses himself and pulls away. "You have Roger and you're happy! How could I ruin your happiness?"

You cup both sides of his face and you make him look you in the eye again. "Just because I'm with Roger doesn't mean I'm happy with him. I'm glad you came over to tell me how you feel because I feel the same towards you!"

Did she say what I thought she said? Keith could not believe his ears. This was all he's ever wanted ever since you came into his life. Before he could ask you if you were actually saying those words, you reach up to his hight and kiss him. He's taken by surprise, but kisses you back anyway. You pull away and smile at him.

"What are you going to do about Roger, then?" He asks with his forehead against yours.

"I'm sure he'll understand...someday, at least." You both laugh and kiss again.

"Baby, I love you." Keith whispers as he pulls away.

Reeeeeeeaaaally sorry this took longer than it needed to. I was stuck on writing another imagine and I did a lotta procrastinating so sorry 'bout that!! This didn't turn out as great as it did in my head, but I hope you like it, sorta kinda..
I chose Baby, I Love You by Ramones 'cause it's cute and I love that song.
Anywho, have a good day!!

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