Superstar Car Wash (Joe Walsh)

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Imagine you're Joe Walsh's best friend and he wants you to help him wash his car.

"I'll give you five bucks?" He says.

"Well..." You contemplate. "How can I pass up on five bucks?" Joe smiles that dorky smile of his and you get up to get supplies needed for washing a car.
When you and Joe start washing his car, he decides to take his shirt off. Oh boy... you thought to yourself. This man will be the end of me.
Joe doesn't know that you've fallen hard for him and you don't plan on ever telling him, as he's you're best friend and you don't want to risk losing him.
Joe decides he wants to have a little fun and splash you instead of his car with the soapy water.

"Joe!" You squeal. You decide to get him back by really dunking your sponge into the water and stuff it in his face.

"How you like them apples, huh?" You mock.

Joe opens his mouth in shock and stares at you for a moment. Your pride suddenly crumbles and you start to fear what might happen next.

"Oh, you'll pay for that one, sweetheart!" He picks up his sponge and charges at you while you scream and try to flea from your doom. He chases you around the car until he finally catches you by the waist and spins you around. Joe dunks his sponge in the bucket of water again and splats it right on your ass.

"How 'bout that, uh?" He sasses you as he continues to soak you in soapy water. "How does it feel, huh? Huh??"

The two of you continue to splash each other and laugh and scream until you accidentally trip over your bucket. You fall onto the grass, taking Joe down with you. You giggle at each other for a moment and it's suddenly silent. He looks tenderly into your eyes and cups your cheek with his soapy hand.

"Look at you..." He says softly. You feel your heart rate pick up the pace.

"What?" You ask, your mind in a complete haze. This is happening, oh lord, please tell me this isn't a dream!

Joe smiles slightly and strokes your cheek. "You. So beautiful..."

Joe's face gets closer and his lips finally touch yours. This is all you ever wanted, to taste those lips and have his body pressed against yours. To feel his manly hands on your skin and for him to feel the way you feel about him. Now, your fantasies and dreams have come true.

"You have no idea how badly I've been wanting to do that" he says as he breaks away.

I totally enjoyed writing this ha!! Lemme know what y'all think!! The song up above is Look At You by My Morning Jacket. I love that song and I thought it would be a good song for this imagine cause it's sweet and just UGH!! Anywho, have a good day or night or whatever!! Peace out, you sweet baklavas ✌🏻️💚

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