Chapter 9 - Sorry, I'm a hugger

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This chapter is dedicated to my wonderful, and talented friend Riversong She's the one who made this BEAUTIFUL cover for my book.

Thanks a million! I owe you one(:

Youu guys should check out her books too(:

Don't forget to Vote!:D

Much appreciated.


Chapter 9.

Emer's P.O.V

Once Justin dropped me off at my house, I sprinted upstairs. But not before getting a phone call from Scott the minute I walked in the door, telling me that I had to be at the studio within 30 minutes. Fun aye? He's just a bundle of joy.
Anyways, to the point. I ran upstairs to change considering that I was still in my school uniform. Hey, I gotta dress to impress.

Emer's Outfit:

The second I was dressed, I literally ran downstairs to realise that I didn't have a ride.
"Are you kidding me?" I exclaimed to no one in particular. Now what so I do? My mom wasn't here, she's at work. So basically I'm fucked. Schuss my language. If Scott wants me there, he can come get me. I am not - I repeat not - walking OR taking the bus. I mean c'mon, I'm skinny. I don't need exercise.
I quickly picked up my phone and rang Scott, and told him my dilemma. Of course, he told me to sit tight, that he'd be here in a few minutes.
I played with my phone to make time go by faster. 10 minutes later Scott showed up, but it into seemed like 2 to me. Ah, the beauty of phones. You gotta love them.
"So, what's this meeting about?" I asked Scott curiously, the minute I hopped in his car.
"You'll see, I'm not even sure yet." he told me truthfully. I nodded.
" Okay, let me re-fraise that then. What do you THINK this meeting is about? " I asked, improvising the word 'Think'.
"It could be about anything really, they could be ready for you to release an album...." he trailed off. My heart beat quickened. Album? Whoa. "Possible.... but that's probably not it...." he trailed off again. Wow, kill joy. Just got my hopes up for no reason. It was only a few seconds, but still.  " it's most likely about the fake-dating thing. Justin was called in too, for the same meeting." he explained. Ugh, well thats unfortunate.
" Oh." I huffed.
A couple of minutes later, we reached the studio. I can't wait! Can you? Yeah, note my sarcasm. Let's just hope I don't fall asleep.
I strolled into the reception, Scott by my side. We walked down a narrow hallway and into a decent sized room.
In there, was a long glass table, with a metal rim and legs. At the table, sat 13 black leather cushioned chairs, 6 on each side, with a bigger one at the head of the table. Obviously, were the most important person sits. There, at the top of the table, sat L.A Reid.
"Yo, Scooter!" a familiar voice exclaimed loudly. I turned around to see Justin, with middle aged woman. She was pretty, if I do say so myself. She was a inch or two taller than me, but I mean, who isn't?
"Hey man." Scott smiled while doing a handshake with him. I rolled my eyes. Boys, can't live with them, can't live without them.
"Emer." Justin smiled while kissing me on the cheek. I gritted my teeth, but smiled back. I gotta get used to it, if we're gonna be... Together.
"This is my mom, Pattie. Mom this is my.....uh, this is Emer." Justin motioned toward his mom and myself.
"nice to meet you." I smiled. Holding my hand out, for her to shake.
"You too." she said while pulling me into a hug. I stood there, awkwardly. Not knowing what to do. "Sorry, I'm a hugger." I smiled and relaxed into the hug. I think I might actually like this woman. Justin must get his jerky-ness from his dad or something, because Pattie seems sweet.
We all sat down at the table along with some other people, I didn't know. Everyone was wearing a suit of some kind except me, Justin, Pattie or Scott. No one would expect me, Justin or even Pattie to wear a suit and well, or I've never seen Scott wear a suit, but I haven't even known him that long either, so... I guess It goes both ways.
I quickly put my phone on silent, incase some one tried to text or ring me at the wrong time, happens in school alot. Not pretty, especially because the teachers take them away. I know, bitches.  It would be more awkward here though, in a room with a group full of people I don't know, and I'd probably be known as like, really arrogant. Which obviously, wouldn't be good.
I zoned out for the entire meeting. I don't even know what it was about. I was pulled out of my thoughts, when I felt my phone vibrating. I almost shouted 'IM VIBRATING!' like i always do, but remembered where I was, luckily.
I quickly glanced at my phone. Justin. I looked at him questionable, before opening the text. It read:
From: Justin
To: Emer
Why are you staring at me? It's getting a little creepy.

I raised an eyebrow. I wasn't staring at him. Ugh, probably just trying to wind me up. Not gonna work.

From: Emer
To: Justin
Me, staring at you? Funny Bieber.

Once he got my text, he made a weird face. Freak. But he quickly replied

From: Justin
To: Emer
I'm not even joking. I swear. I was even making funny faces, trying to get you to laugh. Your expression didn't even change. I swear if I didn't know better, I would have thought you were being possessed by a demon....

Oh, maybe he's telling the truth then.... I was zoning out.

From: Emer
To: Justin
Oh, maybe your right. I was zoning out earlier. Bingo.....Bingo was his name O, B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O,B-I-N-G-O. And bingo was his name O.
Justin chuckled quietly when he got my text. My specialty, making people laugh.

From: Justin
To: Emer
Ah, I see.
Are you even listening in this meeting?

Once I read the text, I bit my lip. I'm supposed to be listening. They could be talking about important stuff, stuff I have to know about. And it won't do any good if I'm not listening.
Like my speech? Yeah, I usually say the same speech in my head before I go into classes, it never works. I usually end up talking, texting or even zoning out. Whichever comes first.

From: Emer
To: Justin
Uh....should I?
I could just ask Scott to fill me in later, or even you could. If you're listening. Are you?

I quickly sent a reply then sat back and did my best to listen.
Yeah, not working. I sighed loudly, resulting into making everyone turn their heads towards me.
"Sorry." I mumbled, before they started talking again about some sort of shit.

From: Justin
To: Emer
No I'm not, I mean... Do they expect us to? We're teenagers. C'mon. Scooter fills me in all the time, so I don't see why he wouldn't for you.

I read over it and smiled.

From: Emer
To: Justin
If they know we sent going to listen then why do we have to come?
That's just retarded.

"Well, that's all for today. Your free to go." a loud voice told everyone. Thank the lord. I looked over at Justin. He nodded indicating that e agreed with me, from what I sent in the text. I mean c'mon, who doesn't agree with me? Kidding.
We headed outside into the reception and sat down on the plush couches. Hmmm, comfy.
"So, what happened?" Justin asked before I had a chance to.
"Well-" I cut Scott off.
"Jeez, Justin. Were you not listening? How rude." I tutted. Justin smirked.
"No, I apologise Emer. Mind filling me in?" he raised his eyebrows
"why should I? You should have been listening." now it was my turn to smirk.
" I guess your right, if only you wouldn't have been texting me the whole time." he winked. I scoffed.
" me text you? in your dreams. I mean, I don't even have your number." I scrunched my nose, acting disgusted.
" I think we all know that you have my number" he spoke motioning toward us both and Scott and Pattie.
"okay, fine. Maybe I do. Still doesn't change that I texted you." I smirked.
"I guess your right. Except for the fact that I actually have proof and everything." he smirked. I pouted,  knowing he won.
" okay you win, this time. " Scott raised his eyebrows at me.
"What? Hey, if you can't beat um, join um." I giggled quietly along with Pattie.
"Okay, so what happens in there?" I asked casually.
"Nothing big, just small things like... You have to start wearing heels and stuff. You have to start looking more mature, I mean your 14 and Justin is 17. I mean, you have to look older than you actually are, which you already do. Just to let people know why Justin 'went' for you." Scott explained. I scoffed.
" but heels hurt." I whined like a 2 year old. What? You can get blisters from high heels.
" it'll be okay, I'll help you if you'd like." Pattie smiled. I returned one, and gladly accepted her offer.
"Thanks, that would help a lot."
"Anytime" she smiled.
"Aw! Your really nice. I like you." I told her before pulling her into a hug. What? I'm very straight forward. Justin chuckled quietly.
"Anything else?" I asked Scott.
" uh... Oh! You have to go to the EMA's as Justin's date." all I heard was I had to go to the EMA's. The rest was a blur. I'm going To the EMA's! Can you believe it? I know I can't.
" I'm going to the EMA's!?" I squealed happily. "Oh my God. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I told Scott repeatedly before pulling him into a hug. "wait. When is it? And Where?" I asked curiously.
"Well it's right here, in Ireland, down in Belfast. And it's tomorrow night." he told me. My eyes widened. Tomorrow!?
" I have to learn how to walk in heels.. By tomorrow? Are you kidding me?" I stated, to no one in particular. More to myself, really.


Hey guys!(:

I have an Important matter to discuss with you,

My Sister - EatMyRainbow - is a Justin bieber hater :o

Ino, I'm shocked too. BUT if you read my last message SHE sent to you guys You'd know.

We're doing this competition with our books, against each other, obviously.

Whoever gets the most votes on their books, win.

Originally, it was for this book, but It's kinda more for Never Let You go now, because well, she by passed this book. she has like 200 votes on hr book, and it only has 13 parts!:(

I need you guys to vote your little asses off for me! So I can win.

we don't want a bieber hater to win, right?(:

I'm going to upload this book MUCH more often because I got an iPod for christmas and I got a writing app and everything :3

I've already started writing the next chapter. It's almost done, So I should be uploading tomorrow, or the next day. I'll make them longer. I was gonna write this chapter longer, but iI didn't know what else to write. In return, do you think you guys could vote like..ALOT? Maybe go back on a few chapters and vote on the ones you didn't vote on?

I would be entirely grateful<3



N Comment(:

Thank Youu!


What did you guys get for Christmas?(:

I'm DYING to know. :D

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