Chapter 5 - I'm kidding, You know that right?

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Because All you guys are amazing, I know I only uploaded Never Let You Go, Like yesterday? You deserve a chappy from Fame too!<3

So, Here!:)

<<<<<<<Vote! Pwease?:)


Chapter 5.

Emer's P.O.V

"He is so fucking retarded, like I'm not even joking." I muttered.

"It can't be that bad." Alex assured me.

"THAT bad? He felt me and I got in trouble, NOT him, ME!" I complained.

"what I'd do to make that boy feel me." Ciara sighed dreamily. I looked at her with a disgusted expression.

"What? I'd bake cakes on him anyday." she licked her lips.

"CIARA, I don't need to know this. Keep you're thought to yourself." I told her.

"I second that." Laura raised her hand.

"OH, and me. ME! ME! ME PLEASE!" Alex yelled.

"So does Alex." I chuckled.

"yeah, Sure whatever. Anything else happen?!" Ciara urged. I bit my lip.

"What?" She asked.

"Uh..." I stammered. Laura and Alex looked confused, But Ciara knew whatever I was keeping in, She was gonna find out.

"Spit it out already!" She commanded.

"I'm his fake-girlfriend."I blurted. Every ones jaw hit the ground, I'm not even exaggerating.

"You guys wanna close your mouths? You're gonna catch flies." I told them matter-of-factly.

"YOU'RE HIS GIRLFRIEND?"Ciara squealed. "OMB!OMB!OMB!OMB!" I rolled my eyes.

"Fake." I insisted.

"Same thing." She muttered before she started doing a happy dance. I looked at Laura and Alex for help. Alex shrugged.

"Just leave her to it." Laura told me. I nodded.

Just then, the doorbell rang. "MOM. DOOR." I screamed.

I heard the door open then close. "SCOTT'S HERE." She announced.

"AHHHH! SCOOTER'S HERE! CAN WE MEET HIM? OMG PLEASE?PLEASE? PLEASE!?" Ciara squealed. I covered my ears.

"Shut the fuck up Ciara. You're giving me a headache." I told her sternly.

"Sorry." She whispered. I rolled my eyes.

"It's fine." I reassured her. "Okay, C'mon." I motioned for Alex, Laura and Ciara to follow me downstairs. I walked downstairs and noticed Scott, Justin and 2 unfamiliar boys. Justin's friends.

"Hey Scott" I smiled. I looked Justin up and down. "Oh Look! You brought you're groupies! Oh the joy." I stated sarcastically.

"Emer."Mom stated. I sighed.

"Sorry." I muttered. I went to the couch and sat down.

"OMB!OMB!OMB!" Ciara squealed. I smirked.

"would you look at that? It's Justin Bieber." I chuckled. Justin looked scared.

"I-I-It's Y-You!" She stammered.

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