Chapter 22

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After Piper had ran away from Platt's house, the shadows had cleared away. Audrey was able to find the power box and electrocute Flicka. She passed out and the shadows evaportated. Vander left from the fight he and Raven were having in the backyard to get Flicka and take her to safety. Linton got Aldwyn out also during the chaos. Everyone had gotten back together and were able to chase Clive away from the house, which wasn't hard when he realized all his friends deserted him. Jon had taken Tia and ran her all the way out of the city along the highway and then ran back to help. It didn't take long for them to make it to Wren at the van. Jon went into the woods and saw the scene playing out with Charlie, Piper, and Delton.

Jon was filling Piper in on everything that happened after she left. She and her partners were all at the DC ATLAS infirmary.

Wren had placed a call to King's Valley ATLAS and they then called DC ATLAS and told them they were bringing Platt in. He had stayed unconscious for the entire ride. The team was on high alert, to see if The Curst or Delton Slade would turn up to get Platt back, but none of them did. When they arrived, Platt was escorted to the holding cells where Ondine had been. She had now been moved to a more secure prison out of town. The team was taken to get their injuries looked at.

Raven had been fighting strong against Vander. The gashes were from when ice sliced her skin, but according to Brannon, she left him in a worse condition. Audrey also had some cuts on her, primarily from taking on Flicka. Logan's gash was from Linton. Logan describe Linton's power; he transformed into what they feared most. For Logan, it was snakes. He saw Linton turn into a giant snake and while immobilized from fear, Linton had struck him. But Linton didn't persist long; he was just after Aldwyn. Brannon had been wacked in the head by Platt when he made his escape. Jon was mostly unscathed, couple of bruises from tussling with Clive.

"I'm too fast to hit," Jon assured Piper.

The medics examined Piper's heart. When they went over the x-rays, and accounted for Piper's description of how she felt when her heart was being weird, it seems like Delton was trying to stop it. He had slowed her heart down a lot, and if he held it for any second longer, Piper would've had complete heart failure and wouldn't have been able to survive.

"His power is motion manipulation," Christina Spears told them.

Not long after they made it to the clinic, Caldwell, Don, and Christina had come to see them. Don was blazingly pissed that they had gone off all alone, not properly informing them. Again. Christina was only concerned without how they were doing; how hurt they were. Caldwell didn't say much. He said he too was upset they didn't alert them properly, but the fact that they got Platt, he was greatly pleased. He said that after the formal interrogation, the team could ask questions themselves, to finish their investigations. Then they would return back home. Caldwell informed Piper that Remus would be coming back soon once he and Alazanne Summers finished up out west. He gave Piper a slight wink before he and Don left the room.

They were all resting now, leaning on the infirmary beds.

"What now?" Audrey asked the group.

"We interrogate Platt," Brannon said, "and once we get what we need, we can begin to wrap up this up."

"I think it'll be a while before that happens." Piper said, mainly to herself.

"And why is that?" Logan asked her.

"Platt's a pawn. He's not the Blackbird we're looking for. We've now got Delton Slade to deal with, and The Curst were recommended to him, which puts them on the board to. Point is, there's a lot we need to sort out to get anywhere."

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