Chapter 14

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           After Moon left, Piper went to lunch at the main dining hall. She sat next to Wren and Charlie and the other's she had been for the time she has been here. No one mentioned anything about the trip to Ajax's, everyone just sat contently eating, talking about some math problem they got in class today that no one can figure out. It took Piper less than three minutes.

She knew that Wren and Logan were right, people will get over it and accept it.

Piper had made an effort to go and see Caldwell, but he wasn't at his office. She knocked on his door multiple times, but no answer.

"He's not here," a young voice said. Piper looked around the waiting room to see who said that. There was no body. Piper figured it was just a voice in her head, but that voice was too young and unheard of to have been her mind.

"Where is he?" Piper asked aloud. She didn't know which to direction to face, so she kept turning to try and see anyone.

"He's not at the camp," the voice said again. Piper quickly moved her head in the direction the voice came from. She concentrated hard on an area. It was along the wall. To Piper, the pattern on the wall was inconsistent there, but it has never been like that. Piper kept staring, harder and harder. She eventually saw a shape of a young girl.

"How are you doing that?" Piper asked the shape.

"You can see me?" The voice asked, surprised.

"Not fully," Piper replied. The faded shape became solid. It was a young girl. She had tan skin and long black hair, pulled back into a ponytail. She was young, very young. She just stared at Piper.

"Who are you?" Piper asked.

"Amira O'Mara," the little girl replied.

"Piper Scott," Piper held out a hand to Amira. Amira shook it.

"I've heard about you. You were in that small group on the last mission?"

"Yeah. Is that all you've heard?"

"No," Amira said. Piper isn't sure what else she's heard, but didn't ask for her to share.

"I don't remember you on the mission. You're obviously an ATLAS agent." Piper said.

"I'm too young to go on big missions like that." Amira said. "But I know all the details with everything."

"Do you do that often? Stand around and listen to people?" Piper asked Amira. Amira looked at the ground.

"Yeah, but people don't normally notice me. You were the first. What's your ability?"

"Enhanced intelligence." Piper said.

"Invisibility," Amira told her.

"Kind of figured. How old are you, Amira?"


"Wow, I didn't know ATLAS members start that young."

"They normally don't. I'm the youngest. The next youngest is thirteen. I was in the Rockwood Institute as a regular kid when I became a deviant. Caldwell let me move up."

"Speaking of, you don't know where he is?" Piper asked.

"Nope. He left this morning."

"Do you know if this guy left with him, Remus?"

"Yeah, Remus left with Caldwell. Remus Scott, is he your dad?" Amira asked.

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