Reptiles Birthday *25*

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Leafy and Femmy are back in Utah
Leafy is fast asleep while Femmy is awake. She made Breakfast for Calvin. She already ate at 4 o'clock in the morning because she's a colossal one. She spots Calvin walk down his stairs to the kitchen.
"I wonder where Femmy is... did she fall asleep with me last night...?"
Femmy jumps from the counter.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAL!" She said with a scream.
"Thanks Fem. Nice wake up call"
Femmy laughed
"I made you breakfast"
"Awwwhh you did have to"
"Yes I do, I'm your girlfriend and it's my boyfriends birthday. He's going to have a lot of treatment from me for the rest of the day❤❤" She said with an evil smirk and wink.
Calvin got up and kissed Femmy
After eating his breakfast he got ready
"Femmy I'm going to a party today. My friend is throwing a big house party and you haveeee to come with me"
"Fine, just as long as you don't drink"
"I wanna drink"
"Fine, but don't fucking throw up"
"I won't, I know how to take the shots like a man" he said
"Haha okay"
"And you have to drink with me"
"Nuuu I can'ttt"
"Yes you have toooo"
"No I would get high, not drink"
"I'll do both. At least drink a little bit with me"
"Just a little"
"When are we leaving?"
"At 10 pm tonight, right after I upload a video to youtube"
"That's a pretty late party"
"We won't stay for long"
Leafy heard his dogs barking outside
He ran to his backyard
"Hiiii" he said in a weird voice

*Femmy's POV*
The dogs ran and jumped on me, causing me to fall down.
"They're trying to get someee"
"Alright, boys. She's mine thank you, outside you go"
I got up
"I don't think they like me"
"Yes they do, they love you" Calvin said laughing
A few hours pass by, Calvin has uploaded a video to youtube and it's time to go to the huge party...
I'm wearing shorts and a crop top and Cal is wearing his famous vans sweater and jeans.
We leave the house. We were supposed to go to Vagas for his birthday but he wanted to stay with his fans from this week and we will be going to Vagas next weekend.
We arrived at this big house where there were literally thousands of people. The house was blowing up with music and people. He looked at me. Right when I think he is about to say something he grabs my hand and drags me out the car. We enter the house. Holy shit that's a lot of people. Everyone is dancing and Calvin made his way to the basement. Not that packed. There were people smoking down there and drugs where happening. Yeahhh, Calvin is not doing any of the drugs they're using. He's only going to vape and smoke his weed lmao. We find the man of the house, Luna.
"Heyyy buddy, happy birthday... holy shit she looks hotter in person. Can I borrow her?"
"Nope. Sorry dude she's mine"
"Fineee, did you bring the stuff?"
"Yeah, I did..."
While that's happening, I go on phone. I have a message?
"I'm in the house, I'm coming..."
What the-
"Hey Femmy, let's go drink"
"Ummm okay..."
I put my phone in my pocket.
So many people. He grabs my hand and takes me upstairs. He drank a lot.
"Don't throw up..." I whispered to him
"I won't, I won't" he said with a grin while tumbling over.
He takes me back down stairs where we just start smoking. He burnt his cheek with the fucking blunt.
"Ouchhhsnixdi" he said
I looked over to him
"Omg calvin"
I washed his face with cold water
He wasn't as drunk as he was before. At least he could function normally.
A girl approached him.
"So leafy, why don't we take this elsewhere?" She said with a wink
"actually I can't. I'm here with someone..."
She left. What the fuck.
He drank some more.
"Feels good to get wasted once you're 21 huh?" I said to him
"Yeah, it fucking does"
It's 2 o'clock in the morning. He stopped drinking a few hours ago. I called a taxi to pick us up.
I drank a little bit but not too much because I would be in for a suprise once I get to Calvin's house knowing him lmao. We left and I totally forgot about the text...

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