The Call *17*

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Femmy answered the call...
It was a man's voice...
"Hello baby, you know, you can always stay with me"
"I don't even know you..." I said
"You will. Dump that Lizard boy. He's nothing but a dumb little reptilian. He looks like a kid" he said in a voice of anger
"No. I love him and he's mine. Fuck off." I said
"I'll find you"
"I'll don't know you..."
"You will, don't be so stressed baby. I'm here. To put those feelings away and give you a different kind of feeling, a feeling your current boyfriend can't give you..."
"His feeling is amazing. Way more amazing than yours will ever be, now bye bye you fuck"
I ended the call and Calvin ran to hug me.
"I never knew you cared about me so much" he said
"I care more..."
We madeout. I'm kind of worried...
Would that man come for me? What's going to happen to Calvin... I hate men...

Only You... Femmy x LeafyIsHereWhere stories live. Discover now