Learning Something New♡ *5*

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The next day, Leafy walks to the counter...
*Calvin's POV*
I see Femmy at the counter and she looks happier then usual.
"Hey Femmy! How are you?"

Femmy; "I'm awesome. You?" Femmy replied with a smile
Calvin; "Glad to hear, I'm awesome aswell, thanks!"
Femmy; "What can I get you?"
Calvin; "I actually wanted to talk to you, I've been feeling really embarrassed for the past few days and I wanted to apologize for what happend a few days ago"
Femmy; "Hey, no worries, I have a question for you..."
Calvin; "Yeah anything"
Femmy; "What is your channel name?"
Calvin; "LeafyIsHere, I'll write it down"
I wrote down my channel name and slip in my number just in case she changes her mind on that movie,
She has such a great personality!
I hand the paper to Femmy, thanks her and leave the cafe.

*Femmy's POV*
I clean the tables and the windows
I look in front of me and see Calvin on the other side of the window crossing the street to my neighborhood. I panicked.
"He lives in my neighborhood?!" I screamed.
Everyone had their eyes on me.
I put down my cleaning tools and go to the break room.

This chapter is going by pretty fast

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