~AAHS~ |Her Sea~cret| ~1~

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I swam through the ocean, also known as my home. Gracefully twisting and turning. My purple tail going up and down as i swam faster and faster. Im Aphmau. A mermaid.

Living in a fairy city. Fairy's happen to hate mermaids.. And when i say hate i mean HATE! They litteraly hunt them down IN the ocean. So i gotta be careful out here.

Now i know what your thinking.. 'APH WHY THE FLUFFERCAKES ARE YOU LIVING IN A CITY FULL OF FAIRY'S WHEN THEY HATE MERMAIDS!?!' Unless you were think about turtle cakes...

Anyways if you were thinking about why i live in a fairy city you can thank the dark water merman for that also known as orion. He's trying to take me hostage and threaten to kill me unless he gets the crown of the ocean.

So i went to the one place he'll never suspect im hiding at. The city of fairy's also known as Phoenix drop. I do have lots of friends. Like my bff katelyn! Then theres sky barney max and how could I forget ross!

The guy who keeps on shouting random things.. There the guys who i'v been friends with forever! We even started a YouTube channel that has 967,899 subs! ALMOST A MILLION!

Our channel is called 'The Rossome Team' OK LET ME EXPLAIN! We didn't want to name it the ROSSOME team (i mean I didn't mind because pfff it was freaking epic name BUT THATS NOT THE POINT!')

I wanted to name it TurtleCakeGaming but noooo. We ended up having a contest. The person who could eat the most cheese burgers won. I ate 4. Sky ate 3. Barney ate 6. Max ate 7. And ross ate 78.

So ya.. Ross won... But i dont mind.. BUT BOY DID MAX GET MAD! He wanted to name it CheesyGaming.. Like my puns.. Huehuehue..

(Sorry pun haters.. Im sure you dont like the title since i made it a pun.. Huehuehue but hey! Some people hate corny jokes even though i think olive them are aphmazing! Its no sea-cret! Ok i'll stop....)

I checked my waterproof watch. It was 6:30. School started at 7:10 so i had 40 minutes to get out. I was already ready for school once i jumped into the ocean so once im all dry and get out of my mermaid form I should look like I never went into the ocean!

I dove under water then swam towards my house. I live on a private beach so my house is right by the ocean. Nobody should see me.

I swam towards it then climbed on the shore. I layed there for a couple seconds then used my magic to evaporate the water.

After that I transformed into my human form. I had on a purple crop top with white shorts and black sneakers. My hair was lightly curled and i had on a little mascara.

I walked inside my house then grabbed my backpack. I looked at the time and saw i had 10 minutes to get to class. I walked out the door and ran a couple blocks then started walking the rest of the way.

"AYYYY JESSSSS!" I heard sky  call from behind me. Yes.. They call me jess because when they first met ross couldn't pronounce 'Aphmau' so i had them call me by my 2nd name.

Everyone thinks Aphmau is my first name but no.. Its not.. My real full name is 'Coralia Jessica Aphmau Crystal Oceanic' Princess of the mer people. The people who know:

No one.. No one but the mer people. In my mermaid form i have a purple tail, purple top, lilac highlights, and a silver tiara with a lilac jewel in the middle. Everyone thinks i dont like showing my fairy form but i dont have one. I have a mermaid form.

"AAYYYYYY" I called back. Sky was with the rest of the 'rossome team'. They cought up with me. "How you doin jess?" Max asked. "Im doin just fine mad max!" I replied.

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