CROWD CLOUD: part 23

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I sat backstage with Josh, watching the people slowly flow into the venue. They were already pressing against the barriers at the front, trying to get the best possible spot. They strategically placed themselves where they knew they would touch the ball or the drum platforms.

I started thinking about how much I took for granted my relationship with Josh. All of these people in the crowd would give anything to be within twenty feet of him, and there I was, by his side almost all the time. It reminded me how famous he really was, how lucky I was. I got as close to the front as I could without being seen, and took a pictures of a girl with blurryface paint and a red beanie on. She sported a huge smile, taking to her friend and smiling. I liked that picture.

"Hey, are you Kyndall?" I man approached me, holding a camera around his neck that was much more complicated than mine. I gave him a smile.

"Yeah, you must be Mr. Heaton." I took his outstretched hand and shook it.

"Call me Brad. Are you taking pictures tonight?" He asked.

"I'm going to try, I'm sure they won't be near as good as yours though." I laughed. He smiled.

"Concert photos are fun, you're gonna love it. Let me know if you need any help getting some new angles."

I gave him a thumbs up, and he started walking in front of the fans, taking photos. I retreated backstage again.

I took some pictures back there, Tyler getting ready and smearing on his black paint, Josh stretching and preparing himself to go out.

I got a picture of Jenna straightening Tyler's tie. She gave him a look filled with love. I liked that picture.

Next thing I knew, Brad pushed me to the front of the pit and left me there just as the red mic was dropping and the teenagers behind me were going crazy.

Tyler poured his soul into the words hitting the mic and moved his hand in his strange, twitchy way. I could hear the people behind me screaming the lyrics as he sang. Josh beat on his drums, perfect as always and swinging around wildly. I took a picture of Tyler as he pressed the mic to his mouth and sang quickly.

The drop. He fell directly onto his back as the music roared in my ears. I got another picture of him, laying on he stage with the tambourine across his chest. The tambourine was focused more than the rest of him, it looked artsy.

I suddenly was overcome by the energy. Everything around me, the lights, the noises, and moving crowd, all felt like it was twisting around in me. All I wanted to do was jump around and yell at the top of my lungs with everyone else.

Lane boy started. I saw Brad out of the corner of my eye. He held up his hand and gave me a signal for me to go backstage and get close to Josh. I gave him a nod, and started moving.

I felt a tug on my arm. A fan locked eyes with me, smiling widely. She looked at me with... Admiration almost. I had never gotten that before. I lifted my camera and made the lens face us.

"Smile!" I shouted, smiling in the picture. It turned out great.

I stood behind Josh's drum platform. Suddenly, I felt nervous. I was afraid of being seen on the stage. Brad could see me. He waved his hands, urging me to go out. I could take pictures from where I was, but they wouldn't be as good as if I were up close.

The crowd was getting low now, Getting ready for the drop. I took the opportunity to stand to the side of Josh. He held a drumstick in his mouth, giving me a huge smile as I snapped a picture.

I stopped, looking at all of the faces in the crowd. There were so many emotions flooding through each and everyone one of them. I watched as they reached over the gate and sang their hearts out, looking at Tyler and Josh with such admiration. They would give anything to say one word to them. I was lucky, incredibly lucky, to have the relationship I had with Josh. I glanced at him and felt warm inside as I thought about that.

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