MY ANATHEMA: part 18

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I felt like I had a blanket of lead covering my body as I fell asleep that night. Out of nowhere, I was in a bus.

It was very nice, with beds and a kitchen and seating. I was sitting with Josh, his arms around me. Jenna and Tyler sat across from us, looking like they were in the middle of a fight. I tried to ignore their negativity and focused of the feeling of Josh around me.

"What are you doing?" Josh asked in an attacking manner.

"What do you mean?"

"Get off of me!" Josh pushed me out of the seat. I realized that Tyler and Jenna weren't mad at each other, they were mad at me.

"What is happening?" I asked, looking around the moving bus.

"You know what you did." Jenna glared at me.


"I wish you would've never come with us." Tyler sneered. I wanted to cry, what was going on? I turned and looked at Josh, desperate for answers.

"I hate you, Kyndall."

A lot of things inside and outside of me flipped , including the bus. I didn't even feel myself flying through the air, all i felt was the thud of my body on asphalt. Barely opening my eyes, I first saw Tyler. He was lain over a piece of metal, his arms covered in cuts and blood dripping from his mouth. Jenna lie at his feet, he blonde hair stained red and bloody knees.

Josh was just above me, he lied on his back with his face towards me. He looked like he was sleeping. A large gash on his forehead bled onto the pavement. His chest wasn't moving. He wasn't breathing.

All of a sudden, there were no scratches on me. I was perfectly fine. As I stood up and looked around, all I could do was let out the scream building in my throat.

"Kyndall!" I felt two hands on my arms with a stiff grip. I was practically panting, opening my eyes suddenly. Josh looked down at me with groggy eyes. All I could think about was the wound on his face. My first instinct was to push up and wrap my arms around him.

"Kyndall... Are you okay?" He asked. I felt his hands hold my back as I held to him tightly.

"Oh my god." That was all I could say.

"I've never heard a scream like that in my life," Josh said, rubbing my back.

I don't know what came over me, I just started crying. It was a quiet cry, all sniffles and tears.

"Oh, Kyndall," he pulled back from the hug and used his thumb to wipe my eyes.

"I'm so sorry," I whispered.

"It was just a dream."

I nodded and wiped my eyes again.

"Come here babe." He rolled over and lied on his back. I lied my head on his chest and curled into a ball, finishing up my tears and trying to fall asleep again. He rubbed my arm that lied on top of him.

"Everything's okay now. You're safe." He said, kissing my forehead.

I couldn't find calmness within me. I tried to focus on the heaving of Josh's chest to lul myself to sleep, but it wasn't working. I was definitely tired, but I suddenly felt so anxious. It didn't take long for Josh to slip in sleep, his mouth parting a little and his breathing slowing down.

I heard my phone vibrate on the night stand, so I carefully slipped away from Josh's hold on me and to my phone. It was a text, at 2 in the morning?

Unknown number: we have unfinished business, Kyndall

My first instinct was to look around the room, but there was nothing. The area code for the number wasn't local. I thought maybe it was Ashley.

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