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((AN: TRIGGER WARNING AGAIN, this one isn't so bad though so it should be okay:D))

"I don't have a guest room, so I hope you can sleep on a leather couch," Josh said. He dug around in a closet, pulling out blankets. I set my backpack down in front of the couch.

"Thanks, this is a big deal."

"It's no problem, it'll be nice to have someone around," he said, tossing a soft, fleecy blanket at me. I caught it and rubbed the fabric in my hands.

"What do you do all day?" I asked. All I had seen so far was music and video games.

"Music mostly, but that's always with Tyler. And I'm always with Tyler." He laughed a little at that.

"This is personal, but like, when you don't sleep?"

"I don't know, I like making stuff a lot, even though I'm no good at it," he closed the closet.

"What do you make?"

"I- sometimes a write, but that's for myself. I throw it all away. I'll watch movies, sometimes I interact with Twitter fans. It just depends."

"Dang, I wish I had Twitter fans." I joked.

"Trust me, it's a chore."

I sprawled myself out on the couch and sighed. His ceiling wasn't smooth like mine, it was bumpy and textured. I wondered what it felt like. I heard the click of a phone camera.

"Did you just-?"

"Relax, it's a good photo." He smiled, holding his phone.

"Josh!" I snatched his phone.

To be fair, I actually did look pretty bomb. My hair looked really soft and flow-y that way it splayed out on the couch, and I had this big-eyed, innocent look on my face.

"I told you you look good," he snatched his phone back and sent it off, to where, I had no clue. I got a notification from Twitter.

@joshuadun tagged you in a photo "cute couch hog"

I gasped.

"You're...! Like millions of people follow you!"

My phone started buzzing, and buzzing, and buzzing. New followers, retweets, likes, and more.

"I can't believe you just did that."

Josh laughed.

"Perks of being my friend."

"You could've at least said something nice about me!"

"Hey! Calling you cute isn't enough?" He laughed. I playfully slapped his arm, then retweeted the photo.

Selena: You're on his twitter?!?!?!?!

Kyndall: yup. Against my will

Selena: you lucky duck.

I laughed at her response.

Josh fell asleep around 11 next to me on his bed. He looked so peaceful, so i carefully eased out of bed and to the couch, stealing a pillow. The fleece blanket smelled like him. I drifted away easily.


I could feel the hands all over me, rough and dirty. They grabbed my body and kneaded my skin.

So. Many. Hands.

Opening my eyes, I saw my father above me, smiling devilishly. I clenched my jaw at the sight of him.

"Relax Kyndall," his voice. I tired so hard to fight back, release myself, but I was weak and defenseless. I could feel myself screaming, but nothing was coming out. I was screaming into a void. There was no sound.

INCLINE || Josh DunWhere stories live. Discover now