THE BREAK: part 5

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I let myself go to sleep that night after the gym. Big mistake. I thought that since I had slept so good next to Kyndall, that I would be okay without her. Instead, it was like any other night. The nightmares attacked me in my most vulnerable state- sleep. Awake I could ignore everything, but at night I was a sitting duck to all of the horrible things I felt. I closed my eyes at midnight, then woke at 3. There was no chance I would fall back asleep.

I hated being alone, especially at 4 in the morning. I wished it was okay to call Tyler, but he was asleep. I never got the chance to talk to anyone about the nightmares. I wanted to, so bad, but it was so hard to talk about. Tyler knew, but he didn't know how to help me. I spent the majority of the night looking over Tyler's sheet music and playing around with some drum patterns.

Tyler called me around 10:00.

"Hey bud come on over, invite Kyndall. We're all gonna eat breakfast."

"I already ate, Tyjo." I said. Thinking about the cereal I had earlier.

"I know your a sucker for pancakes. Get over here!"

"On my way." I hung up.

Josh: hey Kyndall, wanna come over to Tyler's house for breakfast?

She took a while to reply.

Kyndall: sure, omw

I texted her his address, then left my apartment.

Kyndall and I pulled up to the house at the same time, parking next to each other in the drive way. She drove a Mini Cooper, a cute car for her. She smiled at me as she got out of the car. I noticed how tired her expression was, she hadn't slept.

"Did you get any sleep last night?" I asked her, locking the car.

"A little bit. I couldn't sleep." She sighed.

"Too much time to think?"

She nodded. The garage door opened in front of us. Tyler walked up and said hi to kyndall. We followed him into the house.

"So, we haven't made any of the batter yet, but Jenna wants home made pancakes, so this should be a fun and messy experience," Tyler said, grabbing eggs from the fridge. He and Jenna started scurrying around for ingredients, so Kyndall and I stepped back.

"Has that girl called you any more?" I asked her.

"Kimberly's girlfriend? Not yet. I hope no more either."

"Me too."

"Don't just stand there! Help!" Tyler said. He tossed an egg at me. I thought for sure it was going to end up either on me or the floor, but I surprised myself and caught it.

Black shirts and flower don't mix. Kyndall poured the amount we needed into a bowl, and it ended up all over me.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry," she said, laughing at my now spotted shirt.

"Oh, no biggie." I smiled mischievously, the gathered flower on my finger and marked it on her face like war paint, laughing. She ha sped, and coated her hand in flower and left a big, white hand print on my chest.

"You don't know what you just started!" Tyler said to Kyndall. I threw flower in her hair. Jenna gave Tyler a nice big hand print on his face, and it began,

Pretty soon, we were all flinging flower a each other. It was sticking to everything and everyone, coating the cabinets and counters. We were all laughing and yelling at each other, forgetting about the pancakes.

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