Chapter #2

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My brain was pulsing in my head. I couldn't even comprehend my situation. I am not who I think I am.

Lies. My life was one big lie that no one let me in on. My family, the cats I trusted. Cats. How could I be so blind?

I was a fox, raised as a cat. Now, that I know this piece of information I can't just blow it off. For the sake of my 'brother's' death I must stay strong and find my real family.

I don't know where to start, except to get the hell out of the scene. I couldn't stand to see him laying there motionless. I walked as fast as I could away.

It wasn't until then that I realized, my life has changed. Tears streamed down my face uncontrollably. I let out a couple of whimpers not even caring if anyone could hear.

The silence, however was helping me think. Somehow, it was too silent. The forest was in sight at last and I had managed to let out a sigh.

Finally I had reached the forest. It gave off an eerie vibe. I wanted to stay safe so I stuck my nose high in the air of took a whiff. At first all I could smell was pine but then it was mixed with a fishy smell.

I saw in my peripheral vision a brown tail poke out of a bush. I turned around and stood face to face with a cat twice my size.

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