Chapter 14

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Hey guys- sorry I haven't uploaded in so long.  (I really hate when people say that)  In can't say that I have been particularly busy.  My office of 40 people moved, my baby has been sick and is now on a nebulizer, Christmas had to be did, and my little boy had cub scout projects.  But, the real reason I haven't uploaded is because I have had so much to read.  With the second round of the Watty awards, so many of the stories I have been waiting on to be completed ARE.  I have to say that I have enjoyed them very much.  I try to only read completed stories, so this is the real reason i haven't been writing.  Enjoying the Chase by kristy1000 was definately worth the wait.  I was suprised that I have now become addicted to Death is my BFF.  I am actually reading the uncompleted sequal.  I can't wait for that one to be done.

Anyway... please let me know what you think...seriously, I want some comments!

Georgia stood over me protectively awaiting what would come.  Russ stood up beside her and moved her so that she was standing behind him. 

“Calm down, nothing’s gonna happen to you or Savannah.  I promise,” Russ’ eyes were forceful.  In that moment I knew Georgia believed him because so did I.

Dad came back into the room with a dry towel holding more ice.  Mom was right behind him looking nervous and a little guilty.  Dad put the ice to my head gently and told me to hold it there for a while.

“OK, let’s all leave Savannah alone for a little while and let her rest and relax,” my mom herded everyone else out of the room.  She turned back to me and came back to sit beside my head.  “Savannah, we need to talk about what you saw.”

“No, Mom, we don’t.  I don’t care what you do, but why do you have to do it in front of me.  And, why do you have to do it with one of our friends.”  They weren’t questions.  I didn’t expect or want answers.  I just wanted her to stop and leave me alone.  “Please leave me alone and get Georgia to sit with me.”  She tried to respond, but I just turned my head and she gave up.  I felt her move from the couch and relief washed over me.

A few minutes later Georgia came into the room to sit with me.  She lifted my head into her lap holding me comfortingly.  We didn’t talk, she just held me checking my head every few minutes.

“You feelin’ better?”  Georgia’s voice was soothing.

“Yeah, can I go out on the pier now?”

“I don’t see why not.  Dad took Chris and Russ out fishing.  I’m pretty sure he didn’t see-“ I held up my hand to stop Georgia from completing her thought.

“I guessed that,” I responded.  “I’m going to change and go out to the pier,” Georgia smiled and nodded her head in understanding.


I walked lazily to the edge of the pier.  The sun was warm on my skin with a light breeze offering relief before it was even asked for.  I closed my eyes and turned my head into the breeze.  I enjoyed the freshness until the flow subsided.

To myself, I wished that this moment could last forever.  It had been a perfect moment.  No thoughts or worries to weigh me down.  No mother, father, or Chris to ruin my moment.  Only the heated planks of the pier under my bare feet, warm sun on my exposed shoulders, and the air weaving its way through my hair.

I shook my head gently to get myself out of the moment.  I sat down and lowered my feet into the cool water offered by the lake.  It sent shivers up my spine.  I splashed my feet back and forth for a few minutes sending drops of water over myself.  I was having fun.  This was what the lake was meant to be.

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