The first day back after tragedy

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Written 11/11/2013

{First day back from tragedy}

Anertha awoke early. Tonks was asleep in the bed beside her own. Anertha clambered out careful not awaken her. She snuck out the door, creeping lightly down the hall and down the stairs to the empty kitchen. She sat in the darkness, staring at the moonlight spilling in from outside. In a few hours she would have to leave Grimmauld Place to go back to that place. The place she lost her most treasured possession, her brother.

'You don't have to do this.' Fred held her close before they departed for the train station. She looked up at him and smiled weakly. 'Yes I do. I can't ditch school just because my brother was murdered.' Fred shivered at how coolly she had said those words. He stayed close as they travelled, she didn't say a word. Her body was shaking in fear and nerves, she knew she had to return but she didn't want to be seen by anyone. A hand took hold of hers and she jumped, realising it was Fred she took a breath and squeezed his hand. She felt for him, he had supported her this summer, they were closer than ever but she couldn't help but be distant at the same time. He didn't know how she felt, he still had George and George still had him.

Anertha dozed off on the train, leaning against Fred. She dreamt of an empty room, on the other side stood Cedric. He was smiling and waving at her, trying to get her attention. When ever she tried to cross the room it grew bigger, she was never able to reach him and then he was gone. Just like that. She sat up abruptly, panicked, tears in her eyes. Fred dropped all the cards he was holding and looked to her in concern. She met the eyes of everyone else in the carriage, George and Lee sat mouths open, not sure what to do. 'Are you ok?' Fred soothed. She nodded, but he wasn't convinced, neither was George. 'Was it Cedric? Did you dream about him again?' George asked, avoiding Fred's fiery stare. Again she nodded and turned to the window, signalling the conversation was over. Fred picked up the cards and handed them to Lee, scooting over and placing a loving arm around his girlfriend, she leant slightly into him. She needed his comfort, he was all she had.

Anertha, with the help of Fred and George had managed to avoid most people over the next few weeks. They had taken her through secret passages and warned off anyone who came near her looking to pry. As Anertha sat in the common room, noticed a flyer sitting on the table. A Quidditch timetable. She had almost forgotten Quidditch season started soon, she felt a pit in her stomach. Cedric wouldn't be playing. 'Hey.' Came a distant voice. She turned slowly, still holding the flyer to find Angelina Johnson and Katie Bell had joined her. Their faces dropped when they saw what she was holding. 'I have been meaning to talk to you about that.' Angelina grimaced. 'I don't want to lose you from the team but if you don't feel ready to play. That's fine.' Anertha frowned for a moment. 'I have to play. For him.' She stood and began to walk away when she felt a gently hand land on her shoulder. 'I know it won't be the same without Cedric, we will support you every step of the way.' Anertha placed her hand on Angelina's. 'Thanks.' She left silently for bed.

As she walked down to practice three days later she saw another team practising. Hufflepuff. She stopped dead, Katie walked straight into her. The whole team turned to face her. 'Annie?' Fred tried to get her attention but she was transfixed on the pitch. She counted the players. Seven players. They had replaced him. She knew they would but it didn't seem right. Angelina was the first to clock what she was looking at. 'Ah, well...' 'Let me've been meaning to talk to me about that.' Anertha snapped. She stormed off, away from the pitch, away from the team. They all called after her but she ignored them. Fred caught up with her, struggling to get her to stop. He eventually took hold of her arms and pinned her against the wall. 'Look at me!' He ordered. 'You knew this had to happen. Life goes on for most people. I know you are hurting and this doesn't help but you can't expect them to not replace him for you.' She breathed deeply and cried softly. Fred released his grip on her and held her as she cried. How was she going to cope for the rest of year? How was he meant to help her?

Forever and always, until the end (Fred Weasley&Anertha Diggory) WattyAwards2013Where stories live. Discover now