The battle of Hogwarts

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Written 13/3/2013

The Battle Of Hogwarts

Sure enough, 5 months later, the message came. It was time to go to war. Remus had insisted Tonks stay behind with Teddy. Fred tried to get Anertha to do the same but she refused. 'NO! I am not sitting around waiting for you to return! If you return' she fought. 'The boys, they can't lose both of us, that's not a risk i want to take.' He tried to persuade her, but she was stubborn. 'I promised to stay with you until we died. I won't leave you now. I will fight beside you, always.' Fred stopped fighting and accepted she was coming.

They knocked on the door of Anertha's childhood home later that day. 'Anertha!' Her mother cried as she opened the door. Anertha settled the twins upstairs and kissed them goodbye. Fred later did the same. 'Explain to me why i have to look after them?' Mrs Diggory asked. 'Mum, sit down.' She watched her mother turn pale as she sat. 'We're going to fight mum, and, well we may not return. We need to you to keep the boys safe for us, can you do that?' She took her mother's hand as tears rolled down her face. 'I can't lose you as well. Don't go.' Her mother held her tighter. 'I have to do this, for the boys. For Cedric. Voldemort will be defeated mum. No matter what the cost.' She kissed her mother goodbye and took hold of Fred's arm as they went to leave. 'Fred.' Mrs Diggory called from behind. Fred turned to face her. 'Look after my daughter.' 'With my life.' He answered. With that they left. Anertha leaned on Fred for support. She was struggling to keep herself together.

Mrs Diggory was in shock. Her daughter had just appeared at the family home and left her two boys behind before leaving with her husband. Husband. She hadn't even known they had gotten married until it was done, it was all rushed. She blamed this battle for taking away a moment that should have been celebrated not rushed. Yet, here she was alone in a room while her grandsons slept upstairs where Fred had left them. She stared out of her kitchen window over the meadow to where she saw the faint lights of the Weasley house. A house she knew contained her daughter at this present moment in time, she was only a field away. One tear escaped down her cheek. In her hands she held an old picture of her daughter and her son. The thought of losing her daughter as well was too much. She heard the front door open and close. 'Anertha?' She called hopefully. 'Darling she doesn't live here anymore. It's just us.' Amos said absent mindedly as he walked into the kitchen reading a letter. He looked up saw his wife's tears. 'Darling?' He dropped the letter and took hold of his wife. 'Lorelei what is it?' He noticed the picture of his children left on the table. His heart felt the worst. 'Where is she? What's happened?' His wife sat back down and picked the picture back up, staring at it. 'She's going to fight. We could lose her Amos.' She cried. 'The boys? She wouldn't leave the boys.' He argued. 'They are asleep upstairs, her and Fred dropped them round an hour ago.' She whispered. 'Please Amos, go and see her before it is too late. Go and mend things. Just in case.' She cried harder, pleading with her husband. He didn't anything, his throat closed. She was right, he didn't want to think about losing his last child but he knew his wife was right.

He made the long walk across the meadow path from his house to the burrow. As she approached the house he stopped. Did he really want to see what was going on inside? 'Amos?' Came a friendly voice. Arthur Weasley was walking towards him in the darkness. 'Where is she Arthur? I need to speak to my daughter.' Arthur's face creased. 'Now isn't a great time Amos-' '-I don't care. I need to see my daughter!' Arthur didn't fight, he showed Amos into the crowded house. He looked around and found her on the couch, in the protective arms of Fred. It was a sight that warmed him, knowing she was being looked after. She noticed him in the room and jumped up, she hastily made her way forwards and guided her father out of the room. 'What are you doing here?' She enquired. The look in her eyes told Amos she still hurting. 'Your mother told me you are going to fight? Fight what?' Anertha froze. 'I...I can't say father. What I will tell you is...' She choked. 'It's big enough that I might lose you.' He finished. She simply nodded and looked to the floor. ' you can't go. Anertha you promised me the night your brother died you wouldn't leave me the way he did!' Amos felt his eyes well up. Anertha's face softened and she took a step forwards, wrapping her arms around her father. He held her tight, he hadn't held her since Cedric's funeral. That was when their relationshipn went downhill. 'Don't leave me.' He whispered. 'I have to. For Cedric.' She wept lightly into her fathers shoulder. When she said those words, he understood. He took a step back and smiled wearily at her. 'Stay safe. You will always be my little girl. No matter how big you get. I love you.' He kissed her hard on the forehead, holding back tears. 'I love you too.' She spoke back. 'Go, go home and wait for me.' They separated and Anertha returned to Fred inside the house. Amos began the walk back home in the dark of night. Tears flowing down his face the further he walked. He gathered himself as he entered the house. His wife waited for him in the kitchen, the twins in her arms. Amos took hold of he three of them and kissed them all. He lifted Cedric II out of his grandmother's arms and held him tight. They both stood and watched as the lights at the burrow went out one by one, until it was pitch black across the meadow. Their daughter had gone to war... 'Please return to us.' Mrs Diggory closed her eyes and whispered.

Forever and always, until the end (Fred Weasley&Anertha Diggory) WattyAwards2013Where stories live. Discover now