Life changing news

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Written 9/9/13

Life changing news.

3 months had passed since the Burrow was burnt to the ground. The family restored it and it was once again a home. The twins helped when they could but the shop was booming and it took their attention. They lived for Sundays when they could all relax, most Sundays they would visit their childhood home for a family lunch. Anertha awoke one Sunday feeling tired and sick. She sat up and tried not to heave, it was no good. She raced into the bathroom. She came out to find Fred sat up concerned. 'You really should go see to St Mungos. You've been ill for ages!' His brows creased in thought. He hopped from the bed and held her. She was warm and clammy. 'You going to be alright going to mums? We can stay here?' Anertha shook her head. 'No, my parents are coming too for a change.' She really wasn't in the mood to see her father.

When they arrived Molly twigged immediately something was wrong. She pulled Anertha to one side after dinner. Anertha hadn't eaten much she just picked at the food. Her mother noticed Molly's action and came over. 'Molly? Anertha? What's going on?' She asked looking between them. Anertha shrugged, she had no idea. 'You look so pale dear, come outside, get some air.' The three women walked out into the afternoon sun. 'Are you feeling ok?' Molly didn't waste anytime. Anertha explained how she was feeling. The tiredness. The sickness. The forgetfulness. Molly and her mother's eyes began to sparkle. 'You don't think she's...?' Mrs Diggory whispered to Molly. 'Oh I think so.' She beamed. Anertha looked confused to the pair of them. Molly managed to get an emergency appointment that afternoon at St Mungos. They snuck away before anyone could notice. After a few tests it was confirmed that Anertha was 3 months pregnant with twins. She sat stunned as her mother and Molly rejoiced and laughed happily. 'Are you sure?' She asked the female who was taking care of her. 'Yes. Congratulations.' It was a while before she was able to stand. How could she be 3 months pregnant and not know before now? She had been busy but still. Mrs Diggory grabbed hold of her daughter. 'I'm so proud of you! You wait until we tell your father he will be delighted to have grandchildren.' 'I need to tell Cedric and Fred first before anybody.' The two older women looked confused. 'Hunny..' Her mother began. 'I know, Ced is dead but I need to tell him.' They left the hospital and made their way to the graveyard back in Ottery St Catchpole where he was buried.

Anertha left her mother and Mrs Weasley at the entrance of the cemetery and visited Cedric alone. She crouched on the ground when she found him. She placed fresh flowers on his grave. 'Hey Ceddie.' She sighed. 'How you doing? Having fun up there?' She began to play with her fingers. It had been over a year and a half since he died. She still missed him terribly. 'So I don't have long. I have some news I wanted to tell you. If you've been watching me, which I here you have, you'd already know.' She half laughed. 'Ok, so you remember when we were younger? We joked about how proud you would be to be an uncle? And I an aunt? Well your side is coming true. You're going to be an uncle Ceddie, I'm pregnant. Twins. Makes sense right?' She tried not to cry. She was talking to a slab of stone, but she imagined he was sat next to her listening even if she couldn't see him. 'I haven't told Fred yet, you always knew everything first. Between me and you I'm scared, scared he won't want them. Scared he will turn his back on me. I know he loves me but he doesn't want kids for years yet. If at all. Anyway I can't sit here and moan at you all day. I best be off. I love you. I'll bring them to visit when they are born I promise you.'

They arrived back at the house early evening. The family were sat in the living room. 'Where have you been?' Arthur exclaimed panicked when they arrived back through the fire. 'It was important.' Molly answered. She looked to Anertha. Fred followed her gaze, she was more worn now than this morning, worry built up within him. He stood and walked over to her. 'Annie?' She looked up at him, she knew she had to tell him. 'It's ok dear. We shall leave you.' Molly ushered everyone else out of the room despite moaning from various mouths. 'Ronald just move!' The room was soon empty leaving them alone. Fred looked at her confused. 'What is going on?' 'You may want to sit down. God knows I need to.' Anertha led the way to the sofa and they sat hand in hand. She took a deep breath and look straight at him. 'You know I've not been well?' Fred nodded. 'Well, it's not because I'm ill.' Fred looked more confused than ever. 'What is it then?' Anertha closed her eyes. This was it. 'I'm pregnant Fred.' Fred went pale and stayed silent. 'How?' He then shook his head. 'No I know how-' he smirked slightly. '-I meant how far along?' He was in shock. '3 months.' Fred sat back taking it all in. 'You ok?' She asked. Fred then smiled. 'Yeah, yeah I'm...I'm going to be a dad. Granted its too soon but I can't imagine anyone else I would want to start a family with.' He leant forward and kissed her placing a hand on her stomach. 'We are having a baby.' 'Two.' She corrected. Fred's mouth dropped. 'Twins?' He grinned brightly. She nodded. Fred squeezed her tight.

They told the family that night. Amos was the last to celebrate. He slightly annoyed that his little girl was pregnant so young. She was 19 so not so little anymore. He soon warmed up to the idea when he realised he would be getting grandchildren. He did warn Fred to make an honest woman of her though. 'Dad! Leave him alone.' She urged when she caught him cornering Fred. She wasn't his biggest fan right now. They left the Burrow that evening with smiles on their faces, a new future to look forward too. George wasn't sure what to make of it all, he was excited but it was also strange. 'You? A dad? Kind of feel like I should catch up.' He joked. Fred laughed. 'Oh yeah George I'm sure Angelina will be up for that!' George blushed. They said goodnight and went to their own bedrooms. Fred held Anertha tighter than ever that night. He was scared out of his mind but he was excited at the same time. As his partner slept he knew he needed to take the next step and soon.

Forever and always, until the end (Fred Weasley&Anertha Diggory) WattyAwards2013Where stories live. Discover now