The Burrow Attack

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Written 8/9/2013

The Burrow Attack.

It was Christmas. The first Christmas since the twins had moved out of their family home. They didn't bother decorating, they knew they would be at the burrow for it. 'Fred, George.' Mrs Weasley hugged them both tight as they emerged one by one out of the fire. 'Where's Anertha?' She asked excited. 'She's right behind us.' Fred answered just as the fire lit up and Anertha stepped through in the room. Molly hugged her too. 'Hello my dear.' Anertha chuckled. 'Morning.' She smiled. 'Well?' Molly asked confusing all three of them. They looked at each other shrugging. 'Molly let them get settled.' Arthur said coming into the room. 'Boys, Annie.' 'Dad.' The twins chorused. They all sat shortly after at the kitchen table. Molly kept glancing at Anertha's left hand then frowning. Anertha eventually caught her doing this and looked to her own hand. No ring. She sighed, Molly had been waiting Fred to ask the question for months but he hadn't yet. 'Why haven't you asked that beautiful girl to marry you yet?' She eventually spat out. The rest of the family stopped drinking and eating and looked to Fred. Fred felt himself shrink and become very pale. 'Give him a chance mum. They haven't been together long enough yet.' George came to the rescue. Molly laughed. 'Not together long enough? They've been together since you're second year at school! That's a long time.' Anertha gave Molly a look of warning and shook her head slightly. Molly dropped the subject, but Anertha knew until Fred asked her they wouldn't hear the end of it.

The family rejoiced and had a great family Christmas. Amos and Mrs Diggory popped in briefly to wish them all a Merry Christmas and see their daughter before departing to visit Cedric's grave with Anertha. When she returned later that afternoon she couldn't help but laugh, the twins were pulling crackers in the kitchen much to annoyance of Molly who was trying to cook. 'Fred! George! Put them down!' She snapped. 'Oh Anertha can you help me now you're back?' Anertha smiled and nodded. Fred pouted slightly as he kissed her quick and left them to it. Dinner was a success. Everyone was stuffed and tired. It was late before anyone decided to move. Ginny disappeared to shower, Molly and Tonks began cleaning the kitchen, George snoozed on the sofa and Fred dragged Anertha upstairs for some privacy. 'Fred I really should help your mother.' She giggled as he closed the door of the room they were sharing. 'Nope. You've been gone from me most of the day, it's my turn for you.' He kissed her and turned off the light.

'Fred! Annie!' George called as he stomped up the stairs tired. Fred emerged from his room hastily. 'There you...' George stopped and cringed. 'Ew.' He went red. Fred smirked in triumph. He heard whispers from the landing below. Peering over he found Harry and Ginny. Putting his finger on his mouth he gestured to George, the pair tried not to snigger as they watched. 'Wheey.' They laughed quietly as they watched Ginny bend down to do Harry's laces. Anertha came out of the room. Fred's head shot round. 'Shhh.' Anertha frowned at him and looked over the banister. 'Stop being nosy.' She whispered. 'But it's fun.' George winked. Anertha looked over his shoulder and gasped. The twins turned around to find a ring of fire surrounding them. The three of them watched out of window. Fred held onto Anertha. 'Bellatrix.' Anertha muttered at the female death eater stood laughing by the fire. The twins looked at her. She remembered her face from the ministry. 'What is he doing?' George said shocked as they watched Harry run after her. They all screamed 'GINNY!' when they saw her run through the fire.

Anertha was the first to move, she sped down the stairs. 'Annie where are you going?' Fred shouted after her as he and George struggled to keep up with her. 'She can't go out there alone!' She answered as she hit the bottom step. Anertha had just reached Molly at the doorway when Fred managed to get hold of her and pulled her back into him, wrapping his arms around her from behind. Molly knew immediately what was going on. 'No one else is going out there!' She stared at Anertha. 'Fred get her inside.' Anertha struggled for a second against him but Molly's concerned look made her soften and relax. They all stood in the living room in silence, watching the fire roar on outside. Their breathing heavily and panicked. Ron joined them. 'Where is everyone?' He asked confused. George looked at him shocked. 'Really? Have you looked outside you idiot?' Molly scorned him. 'That's enough George!' Tensions were high. 'Sorry.' Ron whispered. 'I was asleep.' George snorted in laughter. 'Typical.' 'George!' Molly warned again. Anertha stood by the window watching various flashes coming from the fields. Fred stood not too far behind. 'Come away from the window dear! It is not safe.' Molly begged but Anertha didn't move.

The house suddenly shook violently and explosions echoed. Smoke filled the living room and flames began to lick all around them. 'Out!' Molly and George said together. Mrs Weasley grabbed Ron on the way out. George made his way through the burning doorway only to realise Fred and Anertha were not behind him. 'Fred!!' He shouted as Molly tugged him back from the burning house. Fred and Anertha were crouched under the window. When the blast hit, the window had shattered cutting them both multiple times. Anertha coughed violently as the flames grew bigger. Fred heaved her up from the ground and they both staggered through what remained of the doorway. 'Oh my!' Molly fussed when they reached her. 'We're fine mum.' Fred waved her off, holding on tightly to his girlfriend. 'Now you really should propose.' Molly said shortly. 'Not now mum!' George once again rescued them. They all stood watching as the Burrow burned. Fear and sadness in their eyes. Arthur returned with the others and they too stopped and watched. No one knew quite what to do. They all knew this would be a Christmas they would never forget.

Forever and always, until the end (Fred Weasley&Anertha Diggory) WattyAwards2013Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα