The ministry attack

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written 9/7/2013

The Ministry Attack {7th year}

As she stood in Umbridge's office with the other members of the DA, she wished the twins were still there. She stood in defiance as Umbridge repeatedly questioned Harry. Being the oldest in that room, she felt a duty to get them out of there. She scanned the office, there must be something she could do. Snape came and went but she didn't hear a word, her brain was working furiously. 'Think like the twins.' She told herself. 'Tell her Harry!' She heard Hermione shout from beside her. She shook herself back into the room to find Umbridge's face contorted in anger, her wand pointing harshly at Harry. Did she hear something about the cruciatus curse? Surely not. Umbridge stormed from the office with Harry and Hermione, leaving them guarded by the Slytherins. Anertha suddenly had a brainwave. She reached into her pockets and found a handful of sweets and a note. Ron moved in closer. 'Are they puking pastilles?' He whispered. She nodded. Ron took the sweets from Anertha. 'Man I'm hungry, sweet anyone?' He asked. Draco looked at them suspiciously before taking the lot and giving them to his cronies. Anertha and Ron stood back and watched as their captures began spewing everywhere. Anertha whistled and gestured towards the door. Her and Ron led the way out of the room, only stopping once they got outside. 'Now what?' She asked. 'Now, we find Harry.' Ron answered. The group followed him towards the Forrest. 'What's in your hand?' Ginny asked Anertha, she looked in her hand. The note was still in it, she must have forgotten. She opened it and read its contents:

'Use these if you find yourself in trouble.

I love you

Fred x'

'Aww.' Ginny commented. Fred must have snuck this and the sweets into her pocket when he kissed her goodbye. She loved how he had left her protected even though he was gone. She had lagged behind the others as they crossed the bridge. She was still staring at the note. She noticed the others had found Harry and Hermione, minus Umbridge. Ron filled them in on what happened in Umbridge's office. She noticed how he smiled when Hermione mentioned his idea was clever. 'Well Anertha had the sweets.' He said modestly, blushing. Harry was still desperate to get to London, Neville fought with him over not going alone. 'Oh great, cheers Neville.' Anertha thought bitterly. Her delight over going to London didn't pick up when Luna suggested going by Threstrals. 'What are they?' Anertha thought confused as the group carried on to the Forrest.

As they entered the Forrest, Anertha wondered why she agreed to help them. Then she remembered the promise she made to the twins. Ginny. 'There they are.' Luna pointed. Anertha looked around the empty clearing. Where? Most of the group couldn't see them. Luna and Harry guided them onto the creatures. 'Just hold on, we don't want anyone falling off.' Harry instructed. Ginny noticed Anertha's apprehension. 'Thank you for coming with us.' Anertha looked to her and smiled. 'I promised to look after you. I'm not letting you head off to London alone, unprotected.' Ginny smiled brightly back at her. The flight to London was exciting yet utterly terrifying. She hated that she couldn't see what she was riding on. Once at the ministry, they made their way to the room Harry kept dreaming of. Once inside it took her breath away. She suddenly got a pit in her stomach. This was a trap. Sure enough, she was right. Bellatrix Lestrange and Lucius Malfoy appeared and confirmed that Harry had been drawn here to retrieve a prophecy. Their presence riled everyone, she felt Neville shift angrily behind her. She wanted so badly to defeat them both and get out of here. They were all in danger for nothing. They soon found themselves running from a gang of death eaters. 'Stupefy!' She shouted as she pulled Ginny away with her, running side by side. 'This way!' She urged as they continued to run. They all gathered in a halt in the middle of the room. A death eater gaining on them rapidly. Ginny threw her wand into the air. 'Reducto!' She called out. The death eater near enough exploded into nothing. The towers of prophecies began to tremble and fall. 'Good one Ginny but we should get out of here. Move!' Anertha commanded. The group ran as fast as they could through a door, to which they plummeted down before coming to an abrupt stop in mid-air and landed with a painful thump on the ground. 'Ow.' Anertha groaned as they all righted themselves. There was a lonely looking arch, Harry was walking intently towards it. Apparently he heard voices but to her it was quiet and kind of creepy. They all grouped around Harry. Anertha wished she was back in the common room, this was freaking her out. Before they knew it they were all stood behind Harry, wands out, pointing to an influx of death eaters. It was no good, no matter how they fought, they all found themselves being restrained by one. Anertha was being held by a death eater with crooked teeth and greasy hair. She was seething as she saw another holding Ginny tightly. She struggled against him but he simply pulled her head back with her hair, Anertha gritted her teeth painfully. 'Fred would kill you if he saw this.' She thought angrily. She watched in fear as Harry handed over the prophecy. Relief soon hit her as the order began to arrive. The crooked toothed male was soon off of her and she saw the smiling face of Tonks. Together they retrieved Ginny and ducked behind the rocks. 'Stay here, both of you.' Tonks ordered before leaving. They did as instructed. They watched in sadness as Sirius was killed before them. Ginny tried to jump forwards towards Harry. 'No. Stay put.' Anertha shook her head rapidly, her eyes bore into Ginny's. Ginny hissed and stood to walk away, but as she did this another death eater appeared behind her. His wand pointed directly at her chest. Anertha's eyes widened in horror. Her sisterly instincts hit her. 'Ginny move!' She grabbed hold of Ginny hastily and threw her out of the way just as the male fired his curse. It hit Anertha's left shoulder full on and part of her chest. She screamed in agony as she fell, bleeding, against the rocks. Tonks fought off the death eater, turning to Anertha after, face full of worry. 'Anertha are you alright?' She winced when she saw her shoulder. 'We need to get you to HQ. Molly will know what to do.' Before she knew it, Remus and Tonks had her in their grasp. They were back at Grimmauld Place in seconds. Tonks placed her on the bed. Anertha felt herself slipping in and out of consciousness.

Fred's head shot up as Remus came bursting into the kitchen. 'Molly, we need to you upstairs.' He stopped talking when he noticed the twins. He whispered to Molly hurriedly when she reached him. 'You two, stay down here.' She warned before hurrying off with Remus. Fred frowned. He had a funny sensation in his stomach. He stood to leave. George followed. 'Who do you think it is?' He asked, but he knew the answer. One look from Fred confirmed it. The twins reached the door of a room in which they had watched their mother enter. 'Mum's annoyed enough with us already without us bursting through the door.' George whispered. Fred held back, he knew George was right. A pained scream came from inside the room. Fred's stomach formed knots, he recognised the voice. His body lurched forwards, panicked, and threw open the door. 'Fred! What did I tell you?!' His mother shouted at him but he ignored her. The girl he loved most in this world was lying white and clammy on the bed. Her shirt and jacket ripped and blood stained, her arms and chest covered in her own blood. He rushed to her side. Molly had no choice but to continue healing her with him there, he was going nowhere. He gripped hold of her hand and stroked her head. 'I'm here.' He whispered into her ear. She squeezed his hand, too worn to speak. 'You're a silly girl Anertha. Why did you go?' Molly questioned as she cleaned the wound. 'Ginny.' Anertha forced herself to say. Her breathing ragged. Molly looked confused. 'She promised Fred and I she would look after her.' George continued from the doorway, his face just as pale. Molly looked furiously between the twins. 'She got herself hurt on a promise to you two because you decided to leave?' They both looked to the floor, they felt bad enough as it was. 'Don'' Anertha breathed heavily between each word. ',' Anertha struggled to speak. 'Shhh save your breath.' Fred tried to make her rest. 'You shouldn't have gone Anertha.' Molly reprimanded as she bandaged her shoulder up. Anertha winced in pain. 'I...wasn't going to...leave Ginny unprotected. If I didn't...go, she would be...dead.' Molly stopped. The whole room looked to the wounded teen in the bed. 'What?' Molly asked. 'The aim was...for her...I got her out...of they way.' Anertha answered. 'You saved her?' Molly's eye welled up. She hugged Anertha tight, forgetting her wound. 'Mum! You're hurting her!' Fred shouted. A little while later, Molly, Tonks and Remus left the room. Anertha fell asleep with Fred at her side. The twins sat in silence. Fred began to feel guilt mounting up. They shouldn't have left, maybe she wouldn't be like this if they had stayed. Fred found Anertha's jacket on the floor. He put it across the chair. The note he had written for her fell out of the inner pocket. He smiled as he placed it back and watched his resting girlfriend sleeping peacefully in the bed.

Forever and always, until the end (Fred Weasley&Anertha Diggory) WattyAwards2013Where stories live. Discover now