
897 21 0

Written 8/8/3013 Derelict

3 years had passed since the battle. Lives were slowly rebuilding. George had begun to build himself a new life. He was now a married man and expecting his first child. He was finally beginning to feel happy, almost. He knew he would never be complete again but this was helping him. That and having the responsibility of raising his two young nephews after Fred and Anertha died. He would do Fred proud. It was Summer and Mrs Weasley, his mother, had been preparing a feast when George decided he needed a walk. He walked fast and wasn't entirely sure where he was going until he stopped in front an old house, a house in complete ruins. The Diggory house. He let himself in, it wasn't locked anymore. The house smelt of damp and was cold. He sighed a painful sigh. This house was once a beaming family home, full of noise and love. Until Cedric's death 6 years ago, only to be followed by Anertha's 3 years later. Now, it was a ghost of a house. A mirror of the family that used to live here. Only one remained, Amos; but he was locked away from the world, the death of his family had sent him mad. George felt sorry for him, losing everyone he loved. He made his way through the dust covered house, reminders of them all around. Photos still hung from the wall. Why had no one cleared this place out? Then George felt it, this home still had a strong presence within it. Almost as if the family had never left. Anertha herself had moved out after Cedric had died and moved in with the Weasley's so how George still felt her here he didn't know. All he knew was that she was here, as was Cedric probably. He began to feel he was intruding and swiftly left the house. He stood in front of it and took one last look. 'Rest in peace guys.' Was all he said before he turned away and left the old house far behind him.

Forever and always, until the end (Fred Weasley&Anertha Diggory) WattyAwards2013Where stories live. Discover now