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Written 8/10/2013


Anertha stood by the black lake, completely unseen by all, Fred stood by her side. The pair stared across the black water; watching the watch ripple, air eerily quiet, the castle still smoking from the battle. The couple had walked away from the painful scene of the Weasley mourning. They had watched invisible as the battle kicked off again but now it was over, Harry had done it, now the school was more silent than before. More and more ghosts were appearing around the school, Anertha couldn't handle it, too many young faces were in crowd of the dead. It was dark now, wind whipped away at the trees. They should be cold, but the being dead meant they couldn't feel it. Anertha heard something behind her, she turned quickly to find nothing but darkness. Fred moved closer to her. 'Nothing is there....' She relaxed, she didn't know why she was so on edge, nothing could hurt her now. Not physically. 'That is not entirely true.' Came a voice from the darkness. Anertha froze, she knew this voice well, she hadn't heard it for years. Tears started to fall down her face. 'Cedric?' She called out quietly. His face appeared from the shadows, still dressed in his tri-wizard robes, still young. Anertha automatically put a hand over her mouth in shock, she hadn't seen his face for almost 3 years, not living anyway.

She ran forwards into his open arms, he held her close, holding back tears of his own. She stepped back and took a good look. 'You couldn't have changed your outfit?' She laughed slightly. 'I wish.' He smiled back, he took note of Fred in the background and nodded once. 'Fred.' 'Cedric.' They exchanged shortly. Even in death it would appear they didn't want to get along. 'What are you doing here Ced?' Anertha asked. He looked at her softly and spoke quietly. 'I have come to collect you. Take you with me. And him.' He nodded to Fred again. Sadness filled his eyes and he took his sister in. 'Why you? You were meant to grow old with him, see your kids grow up.' Anertha stepped back shocked. 'You know about the boys?' Cedric look confused for a second. 'Well yeah, I have been watching over you every now and then. I also know you two got married without mum and dad present, him and George opened a joke shop and you refused to stay behind with the boys even though he wanted you to.' Anertha and Fred stood silent. 'So? You ghost stalked me?' She laughed. Cedric shrugged. 'Yeah, I got bored up there. Plus you're my sister, I wanted to make sure you were being looked after. To which, thank you Fred for being there.' Fred's mouth dropped for a second, did he just say thank you? 'I wasn't going anywhere.' He answered, Anertha smiled. Anertha stepped forwards again and hugged her brother tighter than before.

'I can't believe how young you still look.' 'Yeah well you look old.' Anertha scowled at him. 'I was joking! Blimey.' He laughed then his face turned serious. 'Although I wasn't expecting to see you again so soon. What you did was reckless. You should have stayed behind. Now mum and dad have no children left.' His face turned distant. Anertha put her hands either side of his face, forcing him to look at her. 'Listen to me, I died avenging you.' Cedric's hand were now on top of hers. 'I never asked you to do that.' Tears filled his eyes. She took a big breath. 'You didn't have to. I am your sister and I would do it again in a heartbeat if it meant you had gotten justice.' She began to cry with him, the twins held each other softly. Fred stood in background trying not cry himself, this exchange was making him miss George already. 'We should get going, others are beginning to move towards it...' He nodded behind him. Anertha and Fred looked around to find a large white sheet behind them. 'I don't want to leave George.' Fred whispered, Anertha took his hand and looked to Cedric. 'I will teach you how to come back down whenever you like.' He said in a soothing voice. He walked forwards, turning back and gesturing for them to follow him. Anertha stepped forwards and took his hand, her other hand still connected to Fred. The three of them made their way slowly to the sheet. 'Wait...' Anertha stopped. 'Do you promise? To teach us?' Cedric smiled reassuringly. 'I promise on my nephew's lives.' Satisfied she held on tighter to their hands and they walked through the sheet leaving the land of the living behind them.

Forever and always, until the end (Fred Weasley&Anertha Diggory) WattyAwards2013Where stories live. Discover now