I Don't Fancy Being Lonely

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This is based off an anime romance roleplay XxFamilyIsLifexX has started. Anyone can join at anytime! It's super fun I encourage you all to register and give it a try! Its really fun and everyone is super nice.

Anyways this takes place in the mind of the O.C I created.

Kanato is very out there as a character. He's 17 and brand new to this whole thing. When he was eight his mother died of cancer which turned his Father into a cold shell of what he once was. Kanato plays violin and piano to near perfection and is considered a prodigy. He hates that word, prodigy. When the title was first given to him at a very young age kids hated him for it. Now Kanato is to traumatized to see the word as anything positive.

On the outside Kanato is sweet, bubbly, and has kind of a happy-go-lucky attitude. He has a child's eyes but is stuck inside the body of 17 year old. His child like innocence has driven him into an almost insane state. The boy he actually is stays buried deep in his mind.



I think I love him. It's something about his silky blue hair and broad shoulders. It's in the way he is so strict and harsh on everyone but if one of them were to snap at me he'd be the first to defend me. Saskia seems to love her leader! Why can't I be able to love mine?

He's probably straight. He only stands up for the cute little kid because he pities me. None of them will ever understand what it's like! They don't know about Father or the bruises that I came back with after break. Can't they see how badly I want to be normal?! Of course they probably do! The thing they pay more attention to is the fact that I can't be normal!

Those fools think life is easy going, pass your classes and smile! They have yet to learn that life is war. You fight for what's yours, you fight to get your way to the top!

Sometimes you loose that fight. My Mother lost it far too soon. Maybe if she hadn't have died I wouldn't be this way! Maybe I could be normal! If she hadn't died Father wouldn't have gone insane! He would've been the man I ran to when he got home from work or when I got off stage. I hardly remember that man.

I remember one night when I had sat on my dorm room bed and called Father. I told him about everything. I told him about the gang member's daughter, about my friend Saskia with the star voice, and I told him about Masato. All Father had to say was,

"The sky's going you hurt when it falls so you'd better start building some walls."

I cried myself to sleep that night. It was the first time all year that I didn't do my homework. Masato was extremely worried but I was able to convince him it was just a slip up. More importantly I made sure he knew it wasn't his fault because it wasn't. It's not his fault my Father knows just what to say, what song lyric to use, to send my into a fit of tears and panic.

Sure I prefer to do things alone. I like to play my instruments and sing alone. I like to drink tea and read alone. I like riding the bus alone and walking home alone. It gives me time to think, and set my mind free. But when I see a mother with her child, someone with their lover, or a best friend laughing with his best friend.....I realize that even though I like being alone....I don't fancy being lonely.

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