Confession Time

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Ayato and Shu both come from an anime but I brought them into my Unbreakable series and this is Shu's confession to Ayato. They're brothers in my series so uhh Yea I'm a horrible person and ended up accidentally writing a incest ship into a book! Sorry! I couldn't help it! Alright I'll shut up read at you're own risk.


As I lay in the hospital tent I notice Shu become extra fidgety and scared looking. I mean it's not completely uncalled for....I mean we are in a war at the moment.

"A-Ayato can I....." Instantly knowing what Shu wants I scoot over and let him snuggle up next to me. He's never liked war or combat in general so it doesn't surprise me he's scared.

I wrap my arms around my little brother and pull him close to me. He's always felt most comfortable next to me. Honestly I couldn't imagine a life without my Shu sneaking into bed with me.

"Ayato.......I love you." I just hum and run my fingers gently through Shu's hair.

"I love you too-" Shu sits up before I can finish.

"No you don't." My eyes widen due to his filling with tears. "Not the way I want you to." He whispers.

"What do you mean brother mine?" I ask gently. He couldn't possibly mean he wants me.....that way......could he?

Would I mind if he did want me in that way? Could I stop myself from wanting him back?

"C-Can I show you?" Shu asks causing my heart rate to skyrocket.

"Sure." I whisper and Shu just nods before leaning in towards me.

My eyes widen but I feel as though I'm paralyzed and can't fight against him. This is my little brother! This is wrong!

Shu's lips touch mine......

It feels as if the world is only revolving around us. Like the battle that's going on outside this medical tent has stopped and everything is as it should be.

I wrap my arms around Shu's neck as I begin to kiss back. He stiffens a bit at first but soon relaxes into my touch.

This is so wrong but it feels so......right.

Shu breaks the kiss and I feel myself frown.

"You kissed back." He whispers with slight fear in his tone. "You weren't supposed to kiss back!"

"Then what did you want brother mine?" I ask softly.

"I wanted you to break my heart!" Shu cries out before backing even further away from me. "You weren't supposed to agree! You were supposed to push me away and tell me what a disgrace I am!"

My eyes widen due to his words. Is that really what he wanted?!

"You weren't supposed to kiss back." He whispers once more before completely switching attitudes and snuggling into my chest.

Shu hasn't been eating right since I've been away. I can tell he's lost at least twenty pounds since the last time I let him lay on top of me like this.

"You don't mean that." I whisper while going back to running my fingers through his hair.

"I'm your little brother! You're not supposed to hold me like this." Shu mutters.

"You're right brother mine, I'm not supposed to hold you this way.......but I want to." I feel him smile against my bare chest.

I want to make that smile stay there. Not only because he's my baby brother but because I love him and want to keep him happy.

"I love you brother mi-"

Shu sits up again to cut me off. That smile is still on his face.

"If we're going to do this you're going to have to stop calling me 'brother mine.'" Shu orders.

I sigh and fake a frown.

"But brother min-" Shu smacks my chest with considerable force.

"Ow! Shu that hurt!" He just gives me another grin before laying back down again. He's still shaken up from all of this, I can tell.

"That's what you get asshat." Shu mutters and I just chuckle.

He's still my same old Shu. That smart mouthed child who's a hell of a lot stronger than people cut him out to be. He saved my life.

"Ayato?" I let my eyes flutter open to gaze down at the boy laying on my chest.

"Yes love?"

"Do you think Erwin and the others will accept us?" My heart aches for Shu.

I want to tell him yes that our family will love us no matter what! I want to tell him everything is going to be okay! But I just don't know.

I don't know if Erwin will be okay with this! I don't know that our family will stand by us no matter what! That's not something I can grantee.

"Shu look at me." I whisper and he adjusts so he can look into my eyes with comfort.

"I honestly don't know what the others will think. I certainly hope they will stand by us and love us no matter what because this isn't something we can help." Shu reaches up and wipes one of my falling tears.

"All I can promise you right now is that I'll love you with everything in me. You'll be safe as long as you're with me. Do you understand?" I try to keep my tone strong and confident but even I can hear myself breaking.

Shu leans forward and presses his lips onto mine once more. This time the kiss is more rough and confident. Even though Shu seems to be acting confident now through his affections I can tell on the inside he's horrified.

He hates himself for this and it kills me because it's not his fault. Maybe if I hadn't have babied him so much when he was growing up maybe we wouldn't be in this situation. He's always had me around to protect him and keep him going on the right track because I knew from the second Shu was brought into this world I was meant to be by his side.

"Ayato you're spacing out again. Do I need to get someone?" Shu's voice breaks me from my thoughts. I hadn't even realized he stopped kissing me.

"Ayato I'm going to get a-"

"No!" I half cry and pull my little brother back down onto my chest. "Just stay here."

"You need help asshat." Shu whispers but doesn't push away from me.

"I'm fine love, my head doesn't even hurt. It's getting late you should go to sleep." I whisper before placing a gentle kiss on Shu's head.

"Okay....wake me up if anything happens." Shu whispers before falling asleep in my arms like he has for so many nights before.

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