The Germany Announcement pt. 2

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Philip and Vienna both stare out the train window in amazement. Feli smiles as he looks at them. He loves those kids like their his own.

"Ve~Isn't it beautiful!" Feli beams and Philip turns and smiles at him.

"Sì Feli." I muffle a laugh. Only Philip would speak a lyrical Italian in uptight Germany.

"You excited to see him?" I ask gently and Philip frowns slightly.

"Yea I guess I am." He mutters causing Vienna to turn from the window.

"He's nervous because he-" Philip's hand is pressed over Vienna's mouth gently.

"She's lying just to embarass me. Little siblings tend to do that." Philip grins before releasing Vienna.

"Son Feli and I are both younger siblings so watch your mouth." I say jokingly.

"I'm not your son." Philip responds before looking back out the window.


I stand at the train station awaiting his arrival. In my sweating hands I hold a dozen white roses. Hopefully Philip will like them.

If I still had a beating heart I'd be racing as I watch the train pull into the station. I take a deep breath and muster up the most convincing smile possible.

"Luddy look!" I hear Feli say loudly.

My eyes widen as I see a little blonde girl staring directly at me. She smiles before turning and tapping a boy in an all blue outfit.

He turns revealing the deepest blue eyes I've ever seen. I feel myself start to panic as he walks towards me. What do I say?!

I feel my smile start to fade as the boy stops in front of me. We just stare silently into each other's eyes.

"Gilbert?" He whispers and I feel tears surface in my eyes.

"Earl Phantomhive." I whisper back.

Suddenly Philip shakes his head then throws himself into my arms. I manage to toss the flowers at Ludwig and he catches them as I catch Philip.

I feel his tears soak through my shirt and all I can do is hold him tighter.

"It's okay Phil I'm here." Philip giggles and pulls away slightly. My hands stay wrapped around his waist.

"You're here! You're real!"


I feel my eyes widen due to the sensation in my chest. Mein Gott this can't be happening!

"Gil?" I hear Philip ask causing me to snap back into action.

"Oh uh...." I look at Ludwig who tosses the flowers back at me. I flash a smile before handing the flowers over to Philip.

"I got you these....awesome flowers!" Both Philip and I blush like crazy as we stare at each other.

"You're real...." He whispers once more.

"GET SOME GIL!" My heart seemingly stops.

I turn to find Antonio and Francis laughing at what they thought was a joke. I feel my eyes start to change causing me to snap them shut. Nein!

"Gilbert." Philip's gentle hand on my shoulder causes me to open my eyes and look over at him. "Do you know them?"

"Does he know us?!" Toni giggles before throwing an arm around me. Francis soon follows the action.

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