The World Is A Cruel and Scary Place (Spamano)

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Lovi holds my hand tightly as he lays on the couch drenched in his own sweat. My little tomato is deathly sick. I've had countless doctors come to look at him but none of them could find any problems. Lovi is taking medicine that's supposed to help break the fever and another that puts him to sleep. I've been to afraid to ask any of the other countries for help. I don't want to face what I fear is true. I'm selfish and not ready to let Lovi go.

"We could get England maybe he could do some type of healing-"

"Antonio." Lovi whispers with tears in his eyes. He's accepted it but I refuse to.

"I'm not going to let you die Lovino! There has to be someone who can help!" I force my tears back as Lovi just shakes his head at me.

"Always so optimistic......Idiot." Lovi offers a weak smile but ends up coughing violently.

My tears spill over as Lovino spits out blood into the bucket we used for when he would throw up. He's dying and there's nothing I can do.

"Please let me call somebody. Lovi I can't watch you be this way anymore!" I beg but the country just shakes his head no.

"There's nothing we can do about it Toni!" Tears pour from both me and Lovi's eyes as we look at each other.

"I'm disappearing, we both know there's nothing anybody can do about it." Lovi rubs slowly circles on my hand to cry and calm me.

"Don't say that!" I sob without caring that Lovi probably doesn't want to see me like this.

"Antonio I don't want anybody else here. I just want to be with you." Lovi weakly tugs me closer to him.

"Please Lovi let me call someone! What about Feli and everyone who cares about-"

"I already wrote my goodbyes to Feli. It would kill him to see me like this." I sigh and gently pick Lovi up bridal style.

"Where are we going?" He's back to whispering as he snuggles into my chest.

"Tomato gardens out back." I reply whilst walking out the back door.

The weather outside is cool. Just enough to make me shiver and Lovi snuggle closer. I sit in a chair Lovi must've brought out before he got sick.

"You've always loved these damn plants more than-" Another coughing fit interrupts whatever Lovi was going to say.

"I-I'm sorry." He manages to choke out whilst coughing into my shirt.

"Its okay. You don't have to say anything." I comfort.


I can feel my heart getting slower and slower as I sit in Antonio's arms. Breathe Lovi, you can do this. Hang in there for just one more day. God I wish I never would've shoved the bastardo away so much. I wish I could've accepted that we love each other! He was never the idiot, it was me! It was never him.

I begin to panic as it becomes harder and harder to breathe.

"Toni I-I'm scared." I choke out while looking up at the man who took care of me for so long.

"I know Lovi, I know." Toni looks down at me with those wide eyes of his. He'll be okay. He has Francis and Gilbert who will hopefully be good friends for once and help him.

I need a kiss. I need him to kiss me. Maybe it'll be like the movies and everything can go back to normal. That won't happen, but damn I wish it would. I'm not ready to die! There's so much I haven't gotten to do!

"Lovi?! You okay? Give me some-"

I cut Toni off by pulling him towards me. We just stare into each other's eyes while we cry. I let my eyes close as I lean closer. Toni closes the gap between us and kisses me gently. I wrap my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss as best as I can with what little strength I have.

The kiss taste of tears and tomatoes. I feel my heart slow and nearly stop. Kissing back soon becomes the biggest challenges I've ever faced. Toni pulls away and begins to violently sob. I can't do anything but watch helplessly.

"Don't give up B-Bastardo....keep fighting." I choke out.

My eyes start to close but I fight death as much as I can. I can hear a little boy giggling despite Spain not having a child.

"Come on Romano! I was Feli's good friend!" The voice giggles.

"Lovi! Lovi please don't go!" Antonio cries. "I love you Lovino. I love you s-so much!"

"I love you...." My heart stops and my eyes flutter closed.

They always say the brain is alive even after the heart stops. I never believed that till now.

I'm watching Feli cry into Potato Bastard's chest. That doesn't surprise me the slightest bit. Feli saw something in that bastard that I never did. But they love each other and he makes Feli happy so I'm fine with it.

The image that does surprise me is Antonio sobbing in Gilbert's arms. He's saying something but I can't make out what. My eyes widen when I see them pull from the hug and smash their lips together. I feel myself smile slightly. At least he's moved on. He deserves a chance to be happy with someone even if that someone isn't me.

"Romano! Romano! Come on!" HRE calls and I smile.

"Goodbye Toni." I whisper before taking the child's hand.

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