Round 8: Square of Fire

52 3 7

President Perry here! I have a final message from the Capital!

You all have made it so far, it'd be sad to die now.... After all, you have a 1/3 chance now.

On to more positive things, WELCOME TO THE FINALS! We have knocked all three of you out, and you are now high up in the sky! The platform you are on, is a square, a square that has a boarder of fire! So basically, there is no escape. Try and get past the fire, you fall to your death while roasting alive.

Now, you still have your weapons, so don't get mad!

Soon, only one shall stand....

Good Luck And May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor!!


~Describe waking up, and how your realize your high up in the air

~Your on a square platform, with the other two tributes, so look out!!

~YOU MUST BE THE ONLY ONE LEFT! Kill the other two!!

~End your entry when the hovercraft comes to get you!

ENTRYS are due NOVEMBER 17th Midnight at central time! If you do not submit this task you will not be the victor!


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